Mom found my loli sex doll

Mom found my loli sex doll.

She told me not to talk to her and now she's sitting in the living room in silence

What should I do you guys this is bad

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How old are you?

tell her to grow the fuk up n stick dik in ass

52 lol

buy a new one? I mean...

I'm 20

46 here. Had the same thing happen to me last year. I was out at a furry convention and my parents went into my room to clean it while I was gone and found my sex doll amongst other things. My dad was really pissed, he told me I had 1 week to get a job or I had to move out. I just started punching holes in the wall and they just gave up.

>Hasn't moved out

my mom was the same that one time she found my cum rag. both will get over it.

Do you have a picture of your doll?

I hope this is b8 m8

Actually I rented an apartment in 2004, the lease was 6 months. Don’t act like you fucking know me, you don’t know shit retard.

Walk strong and determined directly out to he living room and face her.
Cross your arms, squat and shit on the carpeting while staring straight into her eyes to assert dominance telling her she's as much a deviant as you are to have been in her adult son's bedroom poking around in his private personal items.


You should kill her

Ot I don't know turn it around and get indignant she went through your shit

Or man the fuck up and move out

Or rape her

Burn the house down

I dont care

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this is too fucking sad and retarded to be true.
if you are a jobless faggot living with your parents over the age of 35, you should probably just kill yourself.

You sad fuck.

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rolling for this

not to snobby but just how low have we sunk to the jews that 35 is now the standard to move out

Once out of 45 years

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What is so unbelievable? That someone who’s 46 years old lives with their parents? Do you know just how many people in America alone are in the same boat as me? Literally hundreds of thousands. I pay my parents $10/week for board so it’s not like I’m a burden on them. You’re right about me not having a job but it’s mainly because of the coronavirus. Either way, I’ve been receiving welfare payments for years now so it’s not like I’m even completely broke. And no I won’t kill myself but thanks for the suggestion, idiot.
You don’t know my life retard I’m sure you’re way more pathetic

>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

if you're normally gainfully employed, that changes things somewhat. but lets me real, if you were working a job that was disrupted by the chink flu, then you were a worthless employee working a worthless job anyway. you're still a sad fucking loser.

>no job because 46 years of Corona
>gives 10 dollars a week
>is not a burden

Shit yourself screaming at that cunt she ought to be happy shes cleaning your diapers. If she doesnt correct her attitude, fling fresh shit at her until you receive your rightful tendies

>The stories and information posted >here are artistic works of fiction and >falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything >posted here as fact.

40 dollars a month? Lol are you developmentally disabled? This is the only way that this is acceptable.

Go and fuck your sex doll

No I wasn’t working a job that was disrupted by corona. I haven’t been employed in over a decade that’s why I receive welfare. What I mean is that maybe if coronavirus didn’t happen I might have applied for some jobs. You’re the only fucking loser here retard.
Fuck you idiot

Just ate 10 dollar handmade sushi for breakfast
Losing feels good that way

>unemployed for over a decade
>i was going to apply but muh corona
yeah... no you weren't.
your parents have failed you
you have failed yourself
i don't know how people like you can live with themselves without feeling an intense shame for being so useless and pathetic.

Developmentally isn’t a word you fucking dumbass and no im not disabled I’m just your regular bachelor just got dealt some bad hands I guess

>developmentally isn't a word
nah man for real, just kill yourself.

Where the fuck do you rertards live to where your bitch ass can get away with 10 a week to live there. Im fucking poor off my ass and can believe such bullshit.

A regular bachelor. Yeah just like on the tv show right? Right guys?

I’m not useless or pathetic. I’m 5”6, mother says I’m handsome and that girls don’t want to be with me because they’re afraid they aren’t worth my time but they are they just need to give me a chance. I’m actually an admin for some websites that I made, I might be making Adsense revenue of a MLP forum I mostly created by myself so if that goes to plan I will be moving out and working on being more self-sufficient and I might want to find love soon if it interests me, I’m quite picky when it comes to women lol.

This word is literally in the dictionary. Which is a list of real words. Something you could have easily checked if you weren’t a complete and total retard.

Well if ur a somewhat average human being who feels shame I’d probably just avoid any sort of confrontation and begin sleeping and eating at weird times of day.
That or you can maybe use this as a valid excuse to kill yourself, or at least try to kill yourself.

>Be you
>Be kinda fucked
>Walk into living room and sit down next to mother
>Be 100% honest
>Apologise and explain your reasoning

Wat the actual fuck

You should walk in there and offer to get rid of the doll if she will let you fuck her instead

Tell me you’re trolling because only a idticus would think ‘developmentally’ is a real word. I’m not looking it up just so you can troll me and waste my time. Did you mean ‘develop mentally?’, that would make a lot more sense.

hate to break it to you, but girls don't want to be with you because you're a 46 year old unemployed manlet living with your parents jerking it to cartoon horse porn.

Generally don't have a fucking sex doll while you still live w/ your parents


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>jerking it to cartoon horse porn

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You best be trolling

Post doll, also tell her to be glad at least you aren't interested in little boys.

They don’t care about me watching MLP, I’ll admit it took them some time to accept why I was dressed as a furry and going to conventions but they don’t pay attention to what shows I watch. Also 5”6 is hardly a “manlet”, I’m just short of 6 feet which is perfectly normal.

You're trying to hard larping
If not you're the most pathetic creature in the multiverse

Give us a picture of the doll with timestamp along with maybe a picture of you're hands or feet or something so we can maybe determine if you're not bullshitting this whole story along with your age. I'm having a really difficult time believing you. I kind of want this to just be bait

Holy fuck. There is stupid and then there is you.