Just got my Cialis prescription. What’s in store for me?

Just got my Cialis prescription. What’s in store for me?

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Stuffy nose. I take it when I’m planning on fucking a ton in a night. Normally I start getting floppy after the 2nd nut, cialis keeps it rock hard for as long as you want, even when you’re not incredibly turned on but just down for fuckin.

Normally 1 6mg pill lasts me about 36 hours as well. Boners whenever you want, even when drinking or drugs involved.

Same here I'm on the 20mg because I take medication for high blood pressure and also take antidepressants. Took a 20 mg Tuesday morning and can still pop a rod on demand atm.

They a re a great insurance policy for when you go see a hooker. Even if you don't blow you can still literally pound the shit out them and get your moneys worth.

I never understood how this shit worked. Does your dick stay hard the whole time?

The next morning is like being 13. Nothing will break it’s will to be hard

not not with cialis. the drug allows you to get an erection when you want it basically. you might get the odd full mast for no reason will it is in your system.

It takes longer for results than Viagra but lasts longer. Give it an hour or preferably two

cialis is also good before going to the gym. Don't know the exact science in that.

3 days of mild headaches and a 60% strength erection

yep take it when you wake up

If I give this to my gf will she grow a dick?

Nah only when you’re aroused for the most part, pretty much any arousal works for me.

I take it before internet hook ups, cause some are total flops, and barely turn me on, but ole cialias kicks in and keeps it going.

Not true at all shits never gave me a head ache, and it takes 80% to 100.

Maybe your just a faggot

I’m 59 and fuck 19 year old black girls 2-3 times a week. Nothing like the confidence it gives you

2 dicks

Technically should get throbbing hard clit but cant say for sure.

Viagra headaches are debilitating. Not so with Cialis

2? Why 2?


That's it I don't know i cant find any studies for Women taking Cialis type drugs and their affects.
The clit has penile tissue behind it so I am just speculating.

ITT Incels who dont have sex and don't know how erectile dysfunction medication works

Literal retards

ThAnk you for your service

Will it help me grow a beard?

Pretty much. I don't hold a degree in biology so i am not going to say "yeah i does this to a woman".
Then user goes and sticks it in his gf's food and kills her

Women can die from cialis?

give it a try

People say it gets women horny, but I gave one of my prescription viagra(my anti psychotic causes erectile dysfunction) to my wife and it did nothing so that's the myth busted far as I'm concerned.