The Laws For Woman (Revised Edition):

The Laws For Woman (Revised Edition):

1) A serviceable woman is within the age bracket of 18-38. If she exceeds this, she must submit herself for evaluation and accept any suggested surgical corrections
2) A woman must have C-cup breasts or better. Breasts must not register at all on the ptosis scale
3) A woman's body fat percentage must not exceed 25%
4) A woman must not be taller or heavier than her man
5) A woman must not have unnaturally colored hair
6) A woman must not have hair on her legs, under her arms, on her pubic region, or any location other than on her head (hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes)
7) A woman must be able to clean efficiently and cook with enough skill to prepare a specific dish on demand
8) A woman must adhere to a strict dress code set by her man, including nudity (if desired)
9) Should her man have friends over, a woman must cook, clean, and act as entertainment (if desired)
10) A woman should never complain or speak out of turn. Opinions are for men; women are for service

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Is this real??


Tiny dick boy I see

I guess we all have to deal with our insecurities in our own way...

>I'm scared of girls.

Faggot nigger poo poo

discard 1,8,9,10 and we good

Define this term.

This is some virgin shit right here.


>Yas Forumsaggots lust over each other's cocks all day long
>this is the thread that is a step too far

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Lol OP has never been with a woman for more than 5 minutes. Good luck being lonely for the rest of ur life, puny dick.

This is the true manlyfesto

>he's not a MGTOW!

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>Good luck being lonely for the rest of ur life
thats true for me and i have a nice dick. what am i doing wrong??

I can smell the Fedora from here

everything else.

Not being wealthy obviously, and or having poor hygiene. Maybe your just not vary social or have any status.

Yanno the actual things women look for in men.

what is the point of posting that?
1. it isnt helpful
2. it isnt funny
3. ?

>Not being wealthy obviously
im certainly not wealthy but that doesnt seem to be a problem for people in poor countries (see africa)
>and or having poor hygiene
i mean i dont go crazy but im in pretty good shape and i brush my teeth every morning and about half the time in the evening and shower every day

Well user by the fact you unnecessarily tagged my post a half a dozen times.
I can tell your not all that smart and or a child.
I'm willing to bet its the the ladder.
Which leads into my second sentence. Your not vary social thus lacking any status.

FYI Women in poor countries are either desperate or unwilling. Usually settling with who there fathers set them up with, when there 10 years old. Or there slaves.
Yanno that thing that's vary alive and well in said poor third world countries.
Clearly your not living in one of those countries if you can brush your teeth and shower.

So Its likely your not wealthy and an Idiot.

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>I can tell your not all that smart and or a child.
im in college in the US so, take that how you will
>Your not vary social thus lacking any status.
actually true
>FYI Women in poor countries are either desperate or unwilling.
how is this relevant?
>So Its likely your not wealthy
well yea i literally typed that already

If you are a man seeking success, you have only three possible avenues: Be rich, be attractive, or be rich and attractive.

If you are attractive, you can possibly find yourself in a position to make money, thereby satisfying "get rich". If you are rich, you don't need to be attractive; women will throw their vaginas at you whether you like it or not.

If you're both, congratulations. You have literally won life.

define "success"

$150k a year or better.

now define "rich"

Jeff Bezos.

thats a person not a number

When did I or anyone say it had to be a number?

>gtfo reddit

25 percent body fat limit? Must be an America.