Can someone share me some wisdom? I want to die tell me why I shouldn't

Can someone share me some wisdom? I want to die tell me why I shouldn't

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no retard

fuck off faggot

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talk to your fucking parents dumbass

kys faggot

It's been a cool year so far. Stick around.

do you genuinely need help?

Get an ideology. Fight for it. Then you can die

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fuck you dude

not true but I like your optimism

smoke the cronic bro

You should, tell us what's in the great beyond user. We'll cya there : ), amybe we were all joined tog there for a rsn and I'm sorry life couldn't be as good as the blind have, it was just rate.

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You'll miss all the future log threads

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>Population reduction.
>China's reputation has gone deeper down the shitter.
>Neetbux for all.
>Many of us working can do it from home now.
>Lots of hot girls are so bored they're posting really slutty pics on IG and FB.

I dunno, that's pretty good considering we're just in April.

Why do you want to die user?

i hope that if there's a hell that you'll go down there with me

I'm a fucking failure... I am stuck in my mothers house. I tried multiple job ocupations but I can't do that at the moment considering the quarantine. I am 25 btw. I was a fucking dreamer I wanted to achieve things but my autistic behaviour didn't help me at all. I lost hope I need motivation...

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um you shouldn't care.
hate women because you can
and uh yeah prison is just a place aslong as you're willing to kill a nigger.

shit hurts either way pick your poison

anything aslong as its not centrist.
no gay socialist libtards and no jew cock sucking conservative

andy's log's are love
andy's log's are life

I was, still am an autist that has mostly turned things around.

What are some things that you could accomplish in a day, or maybe in a week? Doesn’t have to be something grand like getting a job, just name a few.

I never understood the meme

I don't think I've ever had motivation. There is a single day in the past 6 months where I remember feeling energized, hopeful, and productive. I've always had this issue and therapy and pills haven't changed a thing yet. I only have one family member left, I live with them and go to my shitty job and think about suicide. Not sure if id ever do it, I'm even unmotivated to do that. Hell I even took some pills i had lying around the other day and I barely felt a thing. There's some part of me that thinks there must be something not right with my body or brain to feel this much nothing.

man I'm really love drawing but I am really shit at it. Everyone in my family is an expert on something while I am on the bed all day. An music is kinda cool too and any type of science but my mind is to foggy for me to do that sort of crap.

I feel you I hope your situation gets better

only faggots suicide. prove us wrong

man this shit hits close to home I hope your life gets better op...

there’s nothing wrong with drawing; not everyone is creative enough to be interested in it.

I mean more little responsibilities that you could take care of - making your bed, cleaning your room, doing the laundry. If you’re not paying your family member rent, help out with things around the house. If you’re working full time, focus on that. Do all the small things you know you’re supposed to do but don’t.

Oh and don’t play on your phone in the morning. You can check it but don’t stay on it. Force yourself to get out of bed, take a shower and get ready for the day.

Well shit man I don’t know you, I will never meet you, but you can overcome all the struggle and pain that you have in your life rn, that is what man is built for, to overcome hardships. One thing is for sure is that going on here and seeing and listening to these sad fucks ain’t gonna help you. Due to the Chinese virus fucking us over I would’ve say head to a bar and try to have a convo to boost your confidence, but for now buy some good, long books so you won’t lose your fucking mind, and try to find some groups on discord and talk to them. Next do some exercise so you will feel mentally good about your self. Finally find a fucking hobby man, like birdwatching or something like that, it will keep your fucked up off these current events.
I mean shit these are the advice I got from people who hit rock fucking bottom

Hopefully you will try to use these to help you

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>you MUST buy into my idiotshit binary worldview and two party system

ignoring this dumb ass faggot would be your best starting move.

Everyone in the world is selfish at their core, and will abandon you eventually. Nothing in this world is wholesome, it's all tainted garbage. There is no such thing as life fulfillment. It's a lie to make money for the rich, because they are just as miserable as us. You are an animal that's designed to survive and make more animals that do the same. At best, you are a big fucking virus. Everyone is. There is no God. There is no purpose. Your life and death are meaningless.

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Of course you should die. Whether you do have the resolve to do it it entire other ball park. I’m in your shoes too but I am too much of a coward to ever follow through. Even when you get right to the edge of jumping from a noose or pulling a trigger, it a unprofound fear. Even all of your want for peace and sweet blissful silence is no match for the silent fear of death.

There is no good reason to live. If you can end all future misery in live. SEIZE IT.

Well, you didn't really provide a reason why you want to die, but here's my take. Life is absurd as it has no purpose and people cope in different ways, I see you are leaning towards the suicide option. Well, it is a solution, but, user, remember, by killing yourself you admit defeat to life's absurdity. There are different ways to look at it, the best attitude by far is to look at the fact that life has no purpose as an opportunity to do what you love and be free. After all, what is keeping all of us here on earth except things we love to do and people we enjoy being with?

I did