Historians agree: Donald Trump is the greatest president the USA has ever had...

Historians agree: Donald Trump is the greatest president the USA has ever had. Literaly ALL the promises he has made he kept. Promises Made, Promises Kept.

Donald Trump support thread.

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>Literaly ALL the promises he has made he kept

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Where's that wall?

he looks so bizarre

Inb4 trump simp brigade

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Literally, kept NO promises he made.

No wall.
Mexico hasn't paid for it.
ISIL still exists.
ACA still exists.
HC not in jail, or even indicted.

What a loser.

Which historians?

Has Mexico started paying for the wall?

The third act is where, when he's out of office, he's in court for the rest of his short life on charges that are waiting for him. Money laundering (he already holds the record for the world's largest fine for that), tax evasion to the tune of almost half a billion dollars, and the currently unindicted co-conspirator charge that will become the indicted co-conspirator charge that has already put his lawyer in prison for less. Nobody who treats himself like that lives for more than a handful more years, though, so it's quite possible he dies of a stroke or massive coronary before he sees prison time.

Op Is wrong on his literal meaning, but right about the most accomplished President. Orders of magnitude better than most predecessors. Pointless to explain why or how, if you can't understand by now, you never will

>lets nuke hurricanes and inject bleach

Real sublime

Once again, proof that you are not able to understand, just unequipped. Like trying to explain physics to a monkey: they get that you're trying to communicate, but effort won't get them there. Back to your pen before you get scared of the vast internet, child

Dumb ass faggot what the fuck is there to understand? He told people to inject caustic chemicals. Stop simping for this failure of a president.

I see the cope pre-gaming for November has already started, so you can go right to "nobody ever supported him anyway, cry more lib! dilate! soy!" when he loses and throws the mother of all tantrums.

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It's being built, but the Democrats have been blocking supply. They want open borders because they want to flood the country with fentanyl and crack from Mexico. They are not nice people.


He won the last election. Keep reading that over and over until you understand it.

Dubs don't lie.

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>Donald Trump support thread.

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Obvious troll is obvious. Good job biting the bait faggot retards

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Did you read that wiki before posting it as evidence of Trumps accomplishments?

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Sounds cool. No substance. Trump like.

Do you even know how to Google? According to presidential historians, he is currently the worst rated modern president. He's in the 4th quartile (1st is best, 4th is worst).


Scroll to "Scholar survey results". and before you complain about it being Wikipedia, all of the references are listed.

In the future, kids will be pointing and laughing at clowns like yourself in history books.

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Weird how Democrats are able to block it when Mexico was supposed to pay for it. Even if what you said was true, Trump still promised a wall.

Drink bleach to Make America Great Again



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Everyone in this thread is autistic

dolan tramp is poopy orange person. bad man.

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Great counter argument bro. Much winning.

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Are you even trying? 0/10

>literally the best they got