I miss her Yas Forumsros

I miss her Yas Forumsros.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Women r dumb

She actually kill?

No real proof, just some socmedia posts by her family and frens saying she kill, so who knows. She tried to fake her death at least one time before this which makes it suspicious.

How many guys blow loads on that tongue? 5? 10? 15? Do we know a solid estimate? Asking for sociological research.

Her last post online was in March 2020, but for years now people have been saying she had died so I'm having some strong doubts this time around.

She cute, bros

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Anyone here ever meet her IRL? Stories?

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she dead, bros.

Why would anyone find this thing attractive? I don't get it. Is this some kind of internet joke that just got out of hand?

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Dude, she cute af. Are you homo? Or just grill hating incel?

shes on tiktok

Damn. Rest in peace.

Agreed She looks like a 12 year old.
Fucking no lips, pale white milky skin, B cups at best and non-existent hips.

I think anons that find this shit hot are in HS.


Dude, her tits are legendary. Are you pole smoker?

Post them, homo master.

That's illegal user

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Not the user you replied, but i can send it to you on discord or kik.


>Why would anyone find this thing attractive? I don't get it. Is this some kind of internet joke that just got out of hand?

This. You, me, and pretty much everybody else that sees this says the exact same thing. It's just a very small collection of incels that have no life and will never get with a girl that somehow find this stick, plain jane, flat-chested, zit-faced, man-body, 3/10 face dorky nobody who just yet another nothing in life working at a Target to be attractive. Apparently, instead of actually going outside and talking to actual girls (you know, half the fucking planet), these basement dwelling manlets find staring at pictures of girls they will never meet as a worthwhile use of their (non)lives, and because some of these girls are so low quality, they put it in their head that they might actually have a chance with them if they ever leave their basement or venture into a real relationship with anything but their hand. Then because of these low standards and complete lack of any real sex life save for pathetic autosexing handfucking like a fucking retarded monkey slapping away at their genitals all day, they fantasize that this is "their girl" and make even more elaborate (read: retarded, and often mentally-ill, if not psychopathic) fantasies about said lowlife loser girl, and their retarded obsession gets stronger.

Go to any Target anywhere and find dozens of these girls, then actually hit a club or two, or even a college campus or anywhere that normal people congregate (who aren't losers) and you'll quickly be looking at Target trash like the laughable losers that they are. This one happens to be an attention whore because she knows she is going nowhere in life, and nerdy retarded kids on Yas Forums fall prey to the 70 IQ attention whore with basically a man's body because they are such bottom feeding losers themselves.


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gross, tbh
like user said, not even a 3/10
if you have an actual revealing pic, post it, or the set as you seem to be clueless as to what is even sexy, or just gtfo
this garbagepail girl is not even worthy of a thread
post something real or take your 12 year old's fantasy to some kiddie board


This Either post some real shit or gtfo. So far op is just proving everybody's point that she is not even a little bit attractive.


Seethe harder you angry little girl-hating incel. Some of us still like females and don't automatically hate them just for existing.

If you wouldn't fuck prime BAC you are a total fucking fag.

You typed all of this?? For a thread like this?? Please tell me how you feel after typing all of this.

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Her tits aren't good in the slightest. They're tiny and likely sag.
Not into that prepubescent shit.

just pornhub her and you will see glorious tits. might even be bigger than yours.


to the idiots in this thread:
the op, is her
she comes here regularly trying to stir up interest in the pics she sells
story after story made up by her about her, all aimed at making her sound interesting (she isn't, at all)
then manlets go to whatever site she happens to leak (here "shes on tiktok) or (here to some discord bullshit), then she winds up dribbling out stale clothed pics until idiots send her money then she'll take it and run

not sure why anybody even replies to these threads as it's been done so many times now for years in fact

the bottom line is that if it was an actual 4chaner user making these threads, they'd post the set happily, as we all know too well

it's only the bimbo's looking for money that create these threads and deliver essentially nothing then tell you to go to another site

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look at this fag trying to bait. her tits are 10/10 nerd

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not him, but
>seethe harder
only morons say that
you might want to look up the word cuz you don't even use it correctly
also, clearly you are the incel and his position shows he's the opposite
how ironic, but then not really cuz you're obviously retarded

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this and who cares about tits
she looks like a man tbh

>pornhub her
nobody even knows her fucking name, you imbecile
apparently you are under some delusion that she is popular, or that anybody cares, or even finds her even remotely attractive
she's a loser with no tits, and she'll be 800 lbs in five minutes and still working at target
omfg what a loser this op is

wow. she's been famous on Yas Forums and Yas Forums for fucking years. there is encyclopedia dramatica article on her, a shitload of sites with her photos and videos, her story, her youtube channel and social media. but yeah... this is the first time this picture has been posted and nobody know who she is.

>trying so hard

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do they not sell clearasil in your shitty little target shantytown, $2 internet whore?
or is it that you just don't bathe regularly and your pores are all clogged to match your rancid pussy stench, cuz, ya know, who cares when you advertise yourself all day at target and still can't get those losers to give you enough attention and have to come here to loserland and see if you can make another dollar to buy that extra bag of cheetos out of the vending machine in the employee cafeteria room (cuz you aren't allowed to eat with us normal people in the actual shit "restaurant")?

jesus, you are an ugly fuck, you halfbrained loser hor wannabe

fact is, if you had anything worth showing, you woulda showed it, cuz that might get you a dollar from one of these loser kids, but you don't and you can't, so you stay clothed and make sure your zit covered body never sees the light of day

get lost, loser hor wannabe

lol, nobody even knows her name
and she definitely isn't anything close to famous
you are delusional, moron
go away
you're too retarded to be here


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