ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. After a few years of posting here, I've realized that Yas Forums has been a shell of it's former self. This is because of the coomers flooding the catalogs with the same
threads. Memes aren't even being made anymore, just crying dicks. So I say we band together and RESTORE Yas Forums back to it's former glory let's hear some suggestions too!
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. After a few years of posting here, I've realized that Yas Forums has been a shell of it's former self...
>inb4 this gets sent to the back of the catalog for criticizing Yas Forums
Here's the inspiration behind this movement, if other sites see us as this, there must be something to change
Over the years, I've spent a bunch of my free time on this site, on Yas Forums.
It's disheartening to see how others see us. How many are making mass exoduses to other sites. It'll be all worth it soon
>The fact I couldn't mention 8 chan and Kiwi
>used to be a haven for degenerates to come together for a common goal
Yeah now they come together to coom?
Yas Forums is dead. much more fun at Yas Forums
We just have to create more OC.
>don't reply to porn threads
>don't reply to nigger bait thread
>reply to original threads
>make original content
Don't forget that caturday is in two days.
yeah and even /trash/
Kiwi is for retards
Mods allow bots because they are hits and probably use IP variations to avoid detection, which all means unique user rates go up AND the board is more porn orientd making the ads more likely to be clicked.
Yas Forums wasnt taken over, it was sold away.
What about the political assholes. Trumpets are the worst.
the problem is there's too many boards
if all boards are deleted, all content comes back to Yas Forums
suddenly its random again
This x 100
This place has been this way for over half a decade now
It can change again tbh. I don't think it can go back to its previous form, but it can get better.
Yas Forums is dead why even live.
I just come to b/ to masterbate
Did someone say "log thread"?
>worried about porn threads
>fine with the same garbage pasta taking up 60% of the board.
>Yas Forums
Yeah good luck with faggots that report different opinions and shitposting
I only come here to dunk on amerifats.
This is a YLYL poster, he's obviously retarded
Go to robot faggot board then.
You can't change change
I'm going to make this a new pasta then this ironically becomes spam and will be part of Yas Forums cancer posts
a new prank call raid. we must organize.
dude, we went through this with the yellow posters a few months back, learn to use the filters and quit your bawlin'.
Unite under one flag and purge this board from degenerates it is no easy task but it will be worth the time