Drawthread: Strongest Gamer Edition

Drawthread: Strongest Gamer Edition

Attached: HAHAHA WHAT THE FUCK!.png (577x960, 638.2K)

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The true problem with Yas Forums drawthreads is the focus around the individuals and not the content. It's literally the opposite of what imageboards were created for.

The people here FORCE identification onto the posters here. People will blame the avatarfags, and while they are in part responsible, they're not the root of the problem. They're merely a symptom, a symptom that reinforces the negative behavior of focusing around the individual, the persona, and not the content being produced.

You'll see that other drawthreads focus on the content. Hell, you'll see that on literally every other thread on the site. It creates a unique, and ultimately positive, culture that focuses on the production of entertaining and intellectually vigorous content, depending on the board and thread that is. Imageboards were designed to negate the individual, the persona. They're designed to destroy any attempt at attention whoring. It's why we have no likes, no favorites, no user accounts, and with Yas Forums in particular, no namefag option. There's a reason why people on imageboards generally dislike namefags, tripfags, and avatarfags. It's because it's a direct attack on the very culture of imageboards. No one cares about you. They only care about the content you post.

Yet here, in these threads, there are anons that insist on going against everything imageboards stand for, and they found a loophole to allow their attention whoring nonsense. Personalities are the focus on these threads, not the content. And much like you'd see on social media whose very design also focuses on the individual, you're left with old, recycled, unoriginal content combined with nonsensical attention whoring and endless bickering.

As long as people focus on the individuals posting here and not the content, these threads are going to be exceptionally shitty

Attached: sage.jpg (216x216, 9.1K)

That is one picasso-ass anime thot.

anyone else comfy right now?

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The true problem with Yas Forums drawthreads is the focus around the individuals and not the content. It's literally the opposite of what imageboards were created for.

The people here FORCE identification onto the posters here. People will blame the avatarfags, and while they are in part responsible, they're not the root of the problem. They're merely a symptom, a symptom that reinforces the negative behavior of focusing around the individual, the persona, and not the content being produced.

You'll see that other drawthreads focus on the content. Hell, you'll see that on literally every other thread on the site. It creates a unique, and ultimately positive, culture that focuses on the production of entertaining and intellectually vigorous content, depending on the board and thread that is. Imageboards were designed to negate the individual, the persona. They're designed to destroy any attempt at attention whoring. It's why we have no likes, no favorites, no user accounts, and with Yas Forums in particular, no namefag option. There's a reason why people on imageboards generally dislike namefags, tripfags, and avatarfags. It's because it's a direct attack on the very culture of imageboards. No one cares about you. They only care about the content you post.

Yet here, in these threads, there are anons that insist on going against everything imageboards stand for, and they found a loophole to allow their attention whoring nonsense. Personalities are the focus on these threads, not the content. And much like you'd see on social media whose very design also focuses on the individual, you're left with old, recycled, unoriginal content combined with nonsensical attention whoring and endless bickering.

As long as people focus on the individuals posting here and not the content, these threads are going to be exceptionally shittyyy

Definitely, this shit is bonkers


>mad x2

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Requesting Ruri getting lovingly knotted and impregnated by a dog, like in files.catbox.moe/d8n79q.png

Attached: 64221915_p1.png (1000x1500, 743.04K)

i read that and big yikes


Attached: why doesnt snipping tool automatically name the file after the date it was taken.png (415x102, 4.21K)

ah yes exceptionally shitty, compared to the endless shitty political take/trap femboy/fb ig threads

>mad x3

its a bot that posts these, right?

No, he was on last thread a few mins ago

Forgot image retard

To whoever drew this last night, thanks!

Attached: 1588200581388.jpg (3264x2448, 1.14M)

Requesting a conjoinment of Ring Fit Trainee and Wii Fit Trainer like in the reference

Attached: SR26.png (1280x720, 457.84K)

is there any way to get him to talk? does he draw? does he ever try to debate people?

Nope, just an exceptionally shitty drawfag and/or repeat requester, upset his vore/loli/pedo/furry request didn't get made. Though it eventually will be, and he'll deny the fact and come up with some new cartoonish character, and/or ridiculous request in a year or so.
Give it some time.

Paperfag is legit
She draws and vanishes

wait, so hes really in these threads every single day doing this?

Big fat fucking larper can you expect anything else from this loser


Well thread got fucking dull, goodnight

Attached: tri.png (900x900, 71.27K)

He talks when someone he's obsessed with posts.
He doesn't debate people. He just calls everyone a sperg.

Would've thanked them then but they delivered while I slept


Attached: shadow86.png (1200x800, 254K)

Requesting an OC of my waifu Sarah (can be anything, just want some art of her in a different style)

Attached: Sarah.png (341x784, 15.13K)

>implying there's anything TO debate

you molested your family dog.

Attached: shadow.png (1806x876, 725.01K)