Loli thread. Share your favorite lolis

Loli thread. Share your favorite lolis.

(Preferably naked)

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my favorite lolis are all real

I wanna fuck alli. Few will recognize who that is.

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There's already a thread going.
How new are you?

Replying to someone from last thread
>"Oh, hey, you're wet, so obviously you like it and we're going to continue"
What if they themselves say they like it, bud? See, you’re assuming deception and manipulation to take advantage of the child, but what if the pedophile is not malicious? What if they are respectful of the child’s genuine wishes? I think kids can decide for themselves what they do and don’t like. They can feel love, they can have sexual desires... what exactly do they not understand again?

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Life experiences

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Why isn’t it a crime to have sex with an 18 year old virgin?

How it will affect them going forward. Most people have difficulty seeing where they're going to be in five years. For a child, that sort of time scale doesn't even make proper sense. They don't even realize the fact that adults are just children that know better. Asking them to make a decision to give away something that they don't even understand they might want later is, at the very least, super rude. At worst, it could lead them to feelings of self loathing and suicide. You're saying that a child is capable of the informed decisions we are, and that's just not the case. They don't have the experience to back up their choices, and they have far more life to live with the mistakes they make.

I love the heart eye shit

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Lolicons in here are so lame and tame. Probably never heard of twidouga and have seen some nice loli pussies and bodies get covered in cum

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Sort of wish I had a hot younger sister growing up...

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On average they contain an adult brain

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from last thread is there a sauce for this??

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Unbased. 3D isn't bad but 2D is superior.

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I want to get your opinion, is what I did illegal? I talked to this girl online, like think habbo, and we decided to cyber date. Things progressed after a couple days and I had cyber sex with her, just typing no pictures. We did it again the next day, and this is where i think it gets sketchy, I remeber her telling me she was 14... but i dont know if that was before or after. I panicked and told her i was 15, im really 20. I kept talking to her for a few more days, not doing anything sexual. Today i learned there are some sort of grooming laws that deal with this. I deleted her as my friend and blocked all contact with her after i found out. I just assumed since it was virtual it would be like loli laws since it was a game, but since we were online dating it might be grooming, im really worried. I deleted her though and cut off contact, and never once were my intentions to get any sort of pictures or meet her in real life or anything, it was all through the game chat and i wanted to keep it that way even when i had assumed she was old enough, never once did we have contact offsite. what im worried is 1. she told me her age before we did it the second time and 2. that just in general talking to her for a time after i knew her age and after we did virtual makes it illegal still even if i didnt do it again.

AiW .onion... if you know you know

>ctrl f "loli"
No there isn't. Inb4 the same autist trying to be an elitist among lolicons (kys you know who you are)

Based "hi" poster.


Musuko wa Azukatta

More Mother Daughter bonus for futa

what is done user remains user, user

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Satsuki Itsuka

>How it will affect them going forward.
Why should it have some profound effect on them years later at all? It doesn’t seem traumatic for the 18 year old to have sexual contact, why should it be different for the 8 year old? You see, I don’t know if you realize it, but the arguments you’re making don’t support the idea that a lack of consent is what causes the harm, nor the manipulation of adults, but the mere sexual contact itself. So in light of that fact, are you aware that little children of like ages commonly have sexual contact with each other without the involvement of an adult? Why don’t they seem to be traumatized by it? Could it be that the rest of society is not insisting that they do feel harmed by it?
>give away something
And what would that be?
>You're saying that a child is capable of the informed decisions we are, and that's just not the case
Well, they are capable of being informed, and they’re capable of making decisions, so in what way are they not capable of making informed decisions?
>They don't have the experience to back up their choices
And they never will, if in the interests of protecting them you never let them choose anything. But if we did let them choose, well, there’s an adult in that relationship who wants to help guide them through it.

You're quite the card.

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Fucking kokonoe