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Besides not even being close to funny, I would put this post as Cancer: Stage III.

If you don't make me laugh in the next 90 minutes, the dog gets it.

Am I clear?

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Is this loss?


do it anyways youll get banned because animal abuse is a federal crime but im sure you wont even have a retort to this

I shot my dog last august.
Euthanizing an animal isn't a crime.

Even if it was, there's no magic FBI police who are gonna track down my IP over a video of a dog getting shot that may or may not have been recorded by me.

You are so goddamn dumb I think I might kill a dog just to spite you. Next time I go to singapore I'm gonna make it happen.

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holy shit kek, what are you even doing here? are you trying to piss yourself off?

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checked and kek'd

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Actual true virus lung-inbound
>be sick
>covid-17 at the time
>beta molecule who can't get infected for the life of himmler
>pathogenical fear of germs since early scholl, when some bite sicked me
>have a younger sickness, covid-16 at this time
>my sickness is human crazy, really wants to give someone a flujob.
>announces that she's "Severe Ancute Respiratory Syndrome"
>father and I start coofing bloods on how to 'fect an neighborhood.
>few coronas later and some sheltering in place,
>a long, sickly dude with brown face mask and plastic shield
>delivars door dash containment tacos
>my doctor and I sit down and informerd that he just "walked into the emergency room"
>discuss 6 feets apart (anti.bodies)
>*can't stop touching my face*
>they go essentially-out
>bat tells me "pandemic isn't going to last"
>sickness becomes home quaranteen
>wants apology so I said, "SARS"
>around a week later, dug mass grave for college girls
>and worried that who was phone makes sense
>about a week before, overhear a conversation about population cuntrol
>"We're not on PPE lockdown anymore" goes viral
>social distancing was "funny"
>someone said "bacteria" but I thought they say "bateria"
>we're both right
>tell errbody all of this newd normal
>agenda 2020 out of control
>mfw the dead preempted almost why this fast epidemic would go downtown to black ppl

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owww the cancer

16 wieners

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I could see myself dying for this freedom

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Also costs 0$ to not make a sanctimonious post about a fucking word on the internet.

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got me

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Very nice feet

Why does he look like cherdleys ಡ_ಡ

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What is this bitchs full name hannah steinsburgman, Jesus only a jew would use money to try to make a fucking point

neck yourself

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You have no class sir they are indeed sniffable feet

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Ayy, that's exactly what I said.

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I'm sure these hags are happy, well-adjusted people.

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