Explain how injecting disinfectant is not a totally retarded idea

explain how injecting disinfectant is not a totally retarded idea

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it works on the virus CNN told me

the quote, because maga-tards will claim this has been misrepresented:

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

> "almost a cleaning"

you're not true MAGA unless you clean your lungs with lysol

think you mean a different network

when does hannity inject?

i love when someone quotes some bs part of a speech or movie that just has the context of unintelligent if you had at least one brain cell you could be like oh he means weve mastered disinfectant but not a vaccine? youre brainwashed into hating someone because you have to imagine saying "maga-tards" instead of just saying trump supporter? because you have to attack someones character to feel good because you are so very very small this is why you have the time to sit at home and type this you are non essential all you have time to do is gripe and complain grow up its cringe the amount of effort you put into attacking people instead of finding solutions the amount of Hippocratic you hold is stifling inb4 calls me retard again thats all you have on me youre a sad person

kek you're a idiot user

If people are going to do something so stupid then fucking let them

lol cool run-ons

> the amount of Hippocratic

how's that GED treating you?


never really thought about it like that. The differences between rubbing alcohol and vaccines are both subtle and complex.

It's a brilliant idea. You should inject some tonight. Start with 500ml

Ah, see, he only suggested scientists investigate injecting disinfectant. Much better

MAGA tards don’t give a fuck. They never admit he’s wrong about anything. When Trump sundowns and says something obviously senile, it’s always:

>he actually meant this totally different thing
>actually the left is worse
>he never said that


It is

Stop taking medical advice from people who aren’t your doctor




I found that lemon clorox works better than original. And if you you use Clorox wipes, steep them first and it makes a great tea.

it was bait for low IQ masses.. anyone taking trump seriously is also low IQ

i shouldn't have to, if you genuinely believe that it's a good idea you deserve to fucking die.

>As usual, the left takes something Trump said out of context and pretends he is saying something completely different

Yes, President Trump could stand to say things more clearly from time to time or maybe be a little less "salesy," but you know damn well the left intentionally mischaracterizes what he said, just to TRY to score political points against him. Only idiots believe CNN.

You're just mad because you're a tranny and we're 100% Germanic Alt Right Chads which have lots of friends and fuck many women. Pic related. You are nothing compared to me

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Trump didn't even say that newfag
Stop watching CNN faggot
Chinavirus not even real
Get rekt

If you mix common household cleaners, like chlorine bleach and ammonia window cleaner, and then inhale deeply, it's true... you won't get COVID-19.

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>what is a simile
looks like obama's common core has failed another.

it's not injecting. the president just said you need to get disinfectant inside the body to clean it out. that can be drinking or inhaling in this case. pretty standard medical procedure that lame stream media has misrepresented.

it's pretty good for killing yourself in just a few simple steps :D

Except... nope.

I can’t.

Oh look, it’s some right wing bullshit!

are you a doctor? didn't think so. president and cdc know more than you.

Kek, go inhale disinfectant

The president doesn’t even know the difference between bacteria and a virus, or zero cases and one million and counting.

It's funny, if either of these two cunts would have suggested it the stores would be sold out in less than a day, and liberal fools would be claiming what a couple of geniuses they are.

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Yea no. Retarded medical advice is retarded

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