Hi Yas Forums

Hi Yas Forums

Wanna sign it?

Attached: 20200429_232417.jpg (2576x1932, 1.34M)

Clearer pic of timestamp

Attached: 20200429_232354.jpg (2576x1932, 1.36M)


Yes, please write "leg for white boys only"
Also please take a better pic. And show tits

Still kinda shaky. Please write "leg slave for white men"

Tits or GTFO

What happened? Nigger beat you up for $40?

Please show other leg for comparison

"Pussy closed because of construction"

Yeah! Sign it with : Ask ME about TRUMP

Tits or gtfo. For a limited time only, I will also accept a tasteful toe pic with "foot slave for Jack" written on the foot



yo op come and cam for us here.

Attached: winningtext.jpg (125x12, 1.18K)


Based but not sure if she's asking for dubs. Probably a larp

Do you want to be a public toilet?

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Lol Jack's gonna have a fun fap if OP pulls through



could you put "love jason", thanks

Gtfo scatfag

i can't physically be there to sign it so can you write VINCENT TIGOY for me?

Sorry Jason, but you're no Jack :(

O'Doyle rules

Lana evol

Chad dubs "foot slave" Jack versus virgin "love jason"

The new dichotomy


Dirty whore wants the worst

less scat

more cum dumpster

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That's still blurry as fuck, but two pics suffice.


Attached: 1532846311414.jpg (706x794, 63.37K)

OP show us your panties

OP is kill die of leg

You faggots this thread was posted earlier. OP is a larp


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Attached: 20200429_234406.jpg (2576x1932, 1.44M)

Obey. The. Dubs.

This is my final request

Owen W. , I hope you feel better op!!

"nigger faggot"

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Never signed anything like that before. Get better

Thx Owen

Attached: 20200429_234716.jpg (2576x1932, 1.55M)

paint a nice SS from me

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Ok that actually made my day, get well soon op :3

Attached: 20200429_234914.jpg (2576x1932, 1.66M)

write Ethan

Attemp a Hammer and Sickle for me?

Also, guess could add my name too, Aleksandr