Panties thread!

panties thread!

- women in panties
- stories of raids?
- results of raids?
- bonus round: seethrough or whaletail

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I posted this before, but I occasionally work in the entertainment industry. Sometimes I sneak into the onset trailers of upcoming actresses and sniff their used panties.

Oh hey man, how's it hanging?

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Good. How are you user?

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Would chill and sesh with a buddy at his parents house who also had his female cousin living there for school, but would be gone on weekends to visit her bf. Most times we would chill and he would pass out from smoking and tell me to let myself out when ever so when he was sleeping i would creep up to his cousins room and have a field day smelling and rubbing her panties on my cock

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dis gud

Yeah pretty good, pretty good.

Sounds like a good time man


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yeah I miss tumblr

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Sorry I don't recognize you. Did we chat before?

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Yeah we did, you've told me who they were etc but I've seen you come up in my threads a few times :)

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Used to go over to a buddies house in highschool, was always attracted to his mom and sister who was a couple grades under us. Almost everytime I spent the night I'd go downstairs and find his mom and sisters dirty panties by the washer and dryer. I'd jerk off sniffing and licking the discharge of the panties and always cum on them. Loved knowing what they smelled and tasted like and that my cum was touching the same fabric that their pussys touched. Good times

Ah, okay. Well let me know if you have any questions. Also what can I call you?