Why are wealthy girls so fucking hot

why are wealthy girls so fucking hot

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Idk why?

I’ve got no clue but I’d floss my teeth with her bathing suit everyday for the rest of my life.

Because of thier wealth they have the luxury of more leisure time. People who have more leisure time also have the luxury of being able to work out more and eat healthier. It helps they are able to shoot photos in lavish mansions and private pools too.

she poor? cause she sure as fuck ain't hot

That's why I'm here

>It helps they are able to shoot photos in lavish mansions and private pools too.
dude her house is fucking insane. who the fuck has an infinity pool in their regular old home??
how bad?

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Built like a fucking pig.

Are you saying she's hot? Because idk man you can do better.

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Some guys dont like anorexic children that have bodies that resemble a 14 year old boy. Grow up and get yourself a woman.

like a fuckpig or a fucking pig??
dude i don't wanna do better than a girl that will inherit millions and has a fat fucking ass and tiny waist.

different girl

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It's all that money burning a new hole in their ass

Agree with this user. She’s not hot. She’s a fatso. There is a giant divide Btwn “built like a 14 yo boy” and built like this tub of lard, much like the gaping divide between her sagging ass cheeks. Fit girls can be feminine and hot af. This turd is neither.

Brooo I know who that girl is, any wins?

Bump I know her @ she goes to PSU


Bump as well what’s her socials, who’s got nudes

If you cant handle her that's fine

OP still here?

yea she's soooooo fat. look at her waist and all the fat in her face. its deff not all concentrated in her beautiful fucking ass.
so you both know her? or just double posting anons? what are your encounters with her hm
this guy gets it
you're deff the same user that says you know her. quit multi posting

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She's the embodiment of estrogen and femininity. I dont think she's "fat" at all.

Can’t handle fatties? Well, that makes you a virgin. Hur dur
>look at her waist
Her back rolls and saggy ass say it all

Hes an angry elf

she's practically flawless. only thing i'd change is that she'd chill on the makeup bc she's hot af with just light maekup on.
not even a fatty. just average if anything but with a nice tight waist and fucking amazing ass. what back rolls there are no rolls in any pics posted.

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Wealthy girls are more than often pretty butt, or at best a solid 5.
There’s a lot of hot girls with more money than you and I simply because men with money pay for them to get access to that pussy.

Who is this?

Yeah I was double posting and she was on my floor as a freshman, her ass is legendary, I could see it from a mile away

This is the guy that knows her again OP, goes by juju, got kik OP?

Not to mention the 20lbs of lard in her can

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Rich men have trophy wives. Trophy wives are hot. They have kids. Kids are rich and hot. Der.

>Richfags are rich
>Wealth is attractive
>Richfags fuck hot women
>Hot women usually push out decently attractive kids

Also, people born into wealth are generally well-fed, have time to exercise, and have access to plastic surgery.