Yas Forums how do you cope with your social anxiety? feels like i'm never gonna meet someone

Yas Forums how do you cope with your social anxiety? feels like i'm never gonna meet someone

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No worries, you will, just need to try and maybe fail a few times. Then you notice that failing is not the end of times and you go over it

just keep trying and if you can't handle it odds are you'll die alone,but way she fuckin goes

thanks for the insight
i feel like i got everything going for me, in grad school in a great field, decent body and face, just feel like it intimidating whenever i introduce myself to guys (if i actually get to that point)
i've had ex's who couldn't handle the idea of me potentially knowing more than them in a specific area, just a fucking buzzkill

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Move your arm bitch it's in the way

just don't get in your own head man and tbh focus on yourself more. fuck bitches if you can but i've been in a relationship for 9 years and yeah it's nice but there's a lot of shit i wish i could do that i can't

You have to find one who isn’t, or simply doesn’t care if you’re smarter or not. Maybe try new places


pic related

i've been there, done that. last relationship i was in for 6 years...maybe i'm just attracting trash

i've moved, but it's like same shit, different day type

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how do you get past the fog? i wanna take adderall to keep my focus, but that shit tunnel visions my anxiety. don't know how the two would interact

social anxiety is a psychiatric symptom
fix your body. I did, I'm a bro chad overlord now.
I fixed it by upping methylation with betaine TMG. If you take enough it gives you more serotonin and glutathione which = you don't care about shit and nobody can hurt you

Then maybe get some counseling, something to get over the slope you’re in.

Talk to a doctor first

attempting to fix, was athletic in high school, trying to see if that helps with confidence (definitely didn't back then)

that's the issue, i've always wanted to, but the idea of video chatting someone (bc covid shit) just stops me in my tracks. been trying to convince myself for years to go in person, too terrified


Do you have a link where I can find more info on this? Seems like literal liquid courage.

You have to be okay enough to be trusted with drugs, willing to be patient, to get drugs.

Fake it till you make it, and having a "give no fucks" attitude worked for me.

i never learned "give no fucks" bc i can't stop being naturally overly nice, i'd rather please others than my own needs....which you can assume causes more anxiety/internal issues

i want to be a patient, trusted, etc, and i've seen people go to therapy, the opening up and confrontation is what i have issues with

You try until you get to know a someone you get comfortable opening up to them. If they’re good it will come naturally

Yeah I buy them. It isn't a great idea and moderating your own self takes some real discipline. Then you have to be prepared to be cutoff but overall, you can usually say you took a pill from here or there and have it go over fine versus pot, even as it's legal.

Definitely try a doctor first.

face with nudes?

Yeah, right now is hard, try to wait for a little. Better not to do something that can hurt you

very true. i'm a big pothead, which simultaneously helps/increases anxiety, but not trying to mix pills and get put in hospital w covids

no full face pics, i dont wanna have a student see and report me lol

try not smoking pot for a month

More titties w/o face then?

open that pussy teach

No reason to give up until you tried therapy, it might click for you.
It didn't for me though, I even tried this opening up and being honest and shit but it never made me feel better.

this. every stoner i know has severe anxiety, and most of them didn't have any anxiety before starting to smoke. you gotta get into a place in life where you aren't depending on it

I just meet people without the expectation of fucking.. if I want to fuck them, I let them know?

You’re smart, just be careful. Take care

Sure, sometimes the answer is simple.

take a xanax. Be yourself (unless you are a real fucking weirdo), Keep the convo about them. compliment often. make sure your breath dont stink chew gum while around women

something i've been meaning to try, i'll consider more seriously. maybe it'll clear my head. but this anxiety has been life long unfortunately

pic for pic :p

i'll def try it, waiting for schools to open back up...but i'm afraid i'll be in the same boat as you :/

same, just don't know how to have it happen...just can't get into tinder/bumble/etc

thanks for the advice, love that there's no pressure here to vent

If you’re smart and tend to over analyze things you won’t be satisfied with any therapist, you need to find someone who’s smarter than you, at least smarter in the ways you’re dumb

ahh i was hoping that wasn't the reason. i mean yeah social anxiety sucks and i've never even smoked anything. the good news is that we're young and have a long time to be able to meet people, even though it seems like society has been pressuring us nonstop to immediately get with someone

in the meantime, you always have your internet strangers who are available to lend and ear