How hard is driving a forklift in real life compared to forklift simulator...

How hard is driving a forklift in real life compared to forklift simulator? I have a job interview tomorrow where forklift experience is required. During my phone interview I told them I had 2 years experience. I've never even touched a forklift but have played forklift simulator.

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>work at a cement block company repairing cement mixers
>drinking with the boss in his office one day
>a truck arrives and needs to be loaded
>everyone went home already
>i got this
>drive a forklift for the first time ever (linde h50)
>am super drunk
>a dozen 4000lb pallets of cement blocks
>loaded them onto the flatbed like i'd done it my whole life
>fucking easy
>no wonder the least intelligent, lower class mongoloids can do this for a living

you'll be fine user

what kind of warehouse is it? loading or unloading? warehousing?

Dumb ass.



You are a dumbass. It is very easy but anyone is going to know you don't have two years experience from the get go.
t. Lifttruck instructor

If you do badly just say some shit about the controls being different.

You're fine

its easy to bullshit your way through that, if they give you a cushy propane/diesel sitdown model just tell them you're used to the standup electric aisle type, or vise versa, either way you'll be good at forklifting in a day if you're not a total retard

Do you have the sweet forklift cockpit for your computer or are you just using your mouse and keyboard?

They can ask for your operator's card (re-issued every three years or when you start a new job). You're potentially fucked.

Counterbalance sit-down ones are awesome

you fag. forklift is so easy. they will be able to tell you dont have experience immediately. but knowing all the jobs i've done, they'll want to do a training session on you. it doesn't matter if you have a forklift license from osha, they will always want a training session on you.

It depends... some forklifts are different than others, but it really depends if you’re gay. Typically the gayest people are really good at driving forklifts. Thoughts?

This was a couple years ago at my job

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The rear wheels lifting when they overdid the capacity wasn't enough of a clue. This is impressive.

Do you tilt before you lift or tilt right after you lift a little?

Forklifts are super easy , I train people on them. Keep your forks spread out as much as possible and don’t lift more than the machine can take. Also try to keep you blades centered just in case you need to side shift, until you get enough experience and you know when to side shift ahead of the grab.

>me again

i worked with jackasses who would constantly destroy shit and my drunk ass outperformed all of them, nobody ever got fired tho

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Always tilt the forks forward, user. Don't matter what the load is like. Add spice to your life!

What a weak forklift I’d say it’s rated for 3400 pounds. The five other machines I drive laugh at it.

They say tilt forward but if you tilt all the way down you will most likely catch the pallet going in. If you are going for a grab lift your forks to eye level and do your best to get them level then stab it and slightly lift. After it’s resting on the forks tilt all the way back. Only tilt all the way down when you are pulling out.

He was riding with two pallets of water lifted 8 ft high and hit the brakes. That first pic you can see hes sitting on the tips of all 4 forks and the bottom of the mast. All 4 wheels off the ground. Sat that way for 13 hours waiting on a company to bring it down safely.

When I teach forklift safety I always make operators try to balance a box on their forearms, tilting forward, then tilting back. That usually drives the message home about always trying to cradle your load while driving or positioning prior to unloading.

No training jumped on one and learned in a few minutes. Anyone can do it. They are fun but they can cause some serious damage...

I believe they are rated for 7500 lbs

Thank you for the background info.

If you need to get a second bite to get the load fully against the backrest by all means do it. Grab it back out a foot then lower your forks and stab it again to fully get it.

Is forklift driving a good job to get part-time out of highschool, if so how? About to graduate after getting held back a year, also checked

What does the company handle OP?

One pallet of water weighs on average 3800 pounds he shouldn’t have tried two

Do you put it straight before you set it on the ground? Or put the tilted part on the ground then tilt it down flat?

The forks open out on a 4th lever. We exclusively carry 2 at once off the lines...he just shouldn't have been traveling with them raised

just watch a youtube tutorial video on how to operate a forklift.

Don't overload it and keep the load level and you will be fine

Of you run the risk of falling forward raised you are overloaded and shouldn’t be carrying that much weight the only thing saving you down low is when you fall forward 4 inches off the ground the pallets just rest.

Our toyotas and komatsus handle running raised all day...the two yales were a promo and the guy hadn't driven one yet...needless to say yale lost their bid

When you initially set it down you should be tilted all the way back, once the front of the pallet is touching start tilting forward. When you get enough experience you can tilt while you’re setting and back out in the same swoop but don’t show off if you don’t know what you are doing.

imagine losing a bid because of a shit-tier driver with no experience on your machine