Why are niggers so dirty and disgusting?

Why are niggers so dirty and disgusting?

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Why is Yas Forums so full of little 13 year old boys who think they're so edgy and cool posting racist shit from the safety of Daddy's house?

yo tambien soy sucio y asqueroso y no soy de color no hay que ser tan racistas

I'm not that. I'm a guy with an opinion they they are disgusting and ruined america

he was being ironic bcuz the pic is so hot. glad we could have this little chat and clear things up.

I'd tap that

That pic is not hot, it's disgusting

It's a dirty nigger though?

She can dirty me up anytime.

Traitor to your race.

God damn imagine being gay enough to not want to tap that.

>ruined america
Lol you’re such a retarded person.

>Traitor to your race.
Okay Boomer

I'd tap it too

With a fucking hot iron

All those hot Cheetos

I'd fuck


Mmmm more

maybe you guys shouldnt have brought them over then.

why are whites gays and terrorists?

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I'm gay and think she's pretty cute desu

most african nations currently have an average iq in the 60's, and that is after the white mans intervention and building of schools and educational infrastructure. imagine the intelligence of the average slave brought to north america and it is easy to see why their descendents are not particularly bright. the very basic run-spear-and-kill way they lived for milennia (and the white mans idiotic attempts at breeding them to be physically stronger slaves) makes them prone to violence and thuggery on top of the low intelligence.

cleanliness, being civil, polite etc. are not to be seen on the average black persons agenda. they simply do not understand concepts like, say, being quiet on a bus with other people. not screaming in to a phone. not playing shitty music loudly from their phones in public. there's some evolution going on and that means that some black people are changing with the world and growing to understand and fit in with it. that some, unfortunately, is only about 2%. I would say it could be another thousand years before they are on the same level as the average whitey, but it seems that white people in their quest to emulate the stylish negro and his cool ways are devolving. It's most likely that in 40 years we will all be like current Africans.


They are so fucking gross dude. Niggers can't even get their shit together enough to have a single 1st world country of their own. They blame white people for everything and smell like fucking shit and cocoa butter. They are 100% intellectually inferior, science proves it. I fucking hate niggers dude

what part?

seems legit to me, whats wrong?

Most of their women are the common negress but some will definitely make you cooooooom.

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but the light skins are better than whites so I mean, whos really right here?

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the whole thing, whites are disgusting, gay, and resort to anger and guns when things go wrong, they act like cavemen, and rely on the 1% of whites that ARE smart and also rely on other races doing all the work

people with one white and one black parent either produce someone with white intelligence and black athleticism who is a great success, or they produce a retarded autist/criminal. they are usually better than full black people due to their being raised by a white parent. more often and not the black one ditches.

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