Naughty Dog made female characters less feminine to be trans friendly

Naughty Dog made female characters less feminine to be trans friendly

>“It’s not really about the sexual objectification of women, ” he explained. “Women, like men, come in all shapes and sizes; to say that having big busty women is unrealistic is untrue.”

>He added: “This is only true for trans people. A trans woman can’t naturally grow large breasts, and not all trans people can afford implants. If you see a game where the women are a little less curvy, it’s not to because the game designers are worried about receiving backlash for sexualising women, it’s because they are worried about offending the trans community.”

>“From a design stand point, this is a really challenging problem. I’ve had many board meetings about how to tackle this. Trans people want ‘realistic’ representation in our games, but they feel excluded if they are represented as too masculine or too feminine. That’s why you will see a lot of designers ‘nerfing the female form’ so to speak so that the difference between trans women and cis women is a little less noticeable.”

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I hate where the gaming industry has gone so fucking much. It all started when femicunts started complaining about OG Laura Croft tits.

Why cater to 0.6% of the population at the expense of others, especially when many of them don't buy/play games, they just like tweeting about it.

>gaming was a mistake

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This is the fuckin world we live in now. I don't enjoy it.

Sorry, I'm trans, I would rather play as a character that looks like an actual woman. Video games are supposed to be fantasy anyway. By the way is that Ellie from the first game? Gross.

being Inclusive in gaming was a mistake*

What is that about? It's like the duck face for overgrown boys?

That's a man body with a woman's head pasted on. Is she cycling fucking tren.

Yeah fucking older games were so much better. I loved when sonic inspired a generation of furfags.
Trans>Furfag this is a win, lets fucking take it.

its going to backfire horribly, the latest and biggest example being Battlefield 5.

its the prototypical male gamer

I'm all for making a character trans-friendly. But to make ALL female characters less feminine to appease the masses isn't even what they want. It offends everyone.
Don't necessarily blame the trannies, blame the stupid developers who don't know how to solve the problem correctly.

lol, I can imagine a near future where trans people are hated by feminists for piggybacking onto their movement and basically making the male form the new female form.

Nah man that’s the tranny that kills Ellie after she lets her gang ass rape her.

>trans people are hated by feminists for piggybacking onto their movement
Look up "TERFs." Unfortunately, the most powerful force against trannies are feminists.

it was inevitable, movements built on destruction always end up destroying themselves

already happened

>a near future where trans people are hated by feminists
it's already like that. Turns out that people fighting the oppression of women don't like being told that the ACTUAL oppressed are actually men pretending to be female. My wife really resents the trans community for that.

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for a laugh, read this:

Lol, she fucked yall. She finally did it.

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>Laura Croft

The games have been around for like 30 years and you fucking retards still can't get the character's name right.


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>Getting this butthurt over autocorrect
Cope faggot

Nice my dubs made it in there.

This, we should vote with our wallets too, I hope this game flops that hard that leaves a precedent and also kills naughty dog

That's already happening radfems HATE trannies with fucking passion

wow and game went to shit. what a cucked shit.

>The last of us part 2 a game only resetera faggots will love

The tranny kills Joel at the beginning of the story and cripples ellie and she's also the fucking protagonist, hell yeah game of the year...

What's funny to you: the terfs, or the sjws' hatred of them?

This thread has been up reposted non-stop for over a day now.

Y'all are suffering some serious butthurt.
>totally not snowflake

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