Zoo Discussion Thread with Feral yiff instead of real pics because real pics get ya beaned

Zoo Discussion Thread with Feral yiff instead of real pics because real pics get ya beaned

I really love animals and just want to talk about them, so hop in if this sounds like your type of thing (btw male dogs are superior)

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Do you have a good boi or good girl or have you ever been with one? If so, what breed, are they male or female, and are you male or female?

If you don't but would want to, what breed would you prefer and would you want male or female?

For me, I'm a dude and I have my boi Kaiser who's a King Shepherd, love him to bits

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brother got peed on but a rhino once, pretty great zoo story.

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me and my cousin (both male) jerked off a dog once but he was fixed and didn't get hard or anything

I'd like to play with an intact male. My ultimate fantasy is a female dog who enjoys it frequently though.

What breed was he? Was that all you did with him, did you let him lick you at all?

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that was a long time ago, I think he was a yellow lab? we didn't really know what we were doing. very sweet dog but he had no kinds of instincts like that at all

I had a black lab in my teens that would lick me sometimes but she wasn't interested in doing anything else so i never pressed it

ah. Would you say you are "actively zoo", as in, do you feel like you are mostly attracted to animals, watch mostly zoo porn, and want to be with an animal?

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I'm still accepting the fact about me. It's definitely more than a fetish but I don't think I can put a label on it yet.

I do definitely want to be with an animal and I'm attracted to them in the way that I would a person (e.g. i'm not just into the idea of it, only certain dogs i find attractive even in the same breed in the way i would look at humans)

What would you say is your favorite (or favorites if you have more than 1) breed and what's stopping you from getting a good boi or good girl?

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I have a real soft spot for dalmatians. I think Shiba Inu are very interesting as well as wolfdogs and similar looking.

My living situation right now I'm not sure if I have the space and time to properly care for a dog.

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Would you want a male or female?

Especially if you get a loyal guard dog breed like a German Shepherd, all he wants is to be by yourside at all times lol, it's so fucking cool

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I'd be happy with either. From a sexual standpoint male seems much easier but the companionship from either I'd be happy with.

stop fucking your pets

I've been extensively looking for a female German Shepherd, but this virus BS is hindering my search. Gives me the blues.

My first was a female Labrador. Want story?

FUCK ME, I just wrote out a really long thing and accidentally pressed the back button on my mouse and got rid of it. Fucking bullshit.

Long story short:
If you want an intact dog and you want to "rescue" him get him from craigslist. People are re-homing dogs all the time on there, and there's no one telling you that you have to cut off their balls. Just search "male", "boy", or the specific breed and there should be at least a few that pop up and some of them will be intact. People who actually care enough about their animals not to just dump them in a pound and to find a good owner themselves usually aren't the type of people to mutilate their animals, so finding an intact dog is super easy.

Anyways, I also really went off on how protective Shepherds are, especially male shepherds when they start fucking you. They start kinda seeing you as their "mate" and get extremely protective of you and always want to be by your side no matter what. They are super smart, super loyal, perfect size, and very handsome. I highly suggest getting a Shepherd if what you want is a really close and deep bond with him. I also really suggest getting a male dog over a female dog, although I am biased because I've never been with a female dog before. Only been with my King Shepherd boi Kaiser, a male Saint Bernard, mare, and a stallion. What I will say is that female dogs, from what I've heard from people in these threads, are really just normal dogs that like getting sexual with you once or twice every few months, while male dogs fucking love you to death and want nothing but to be by your side 24/7

(male dogs are superior)

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Sure, what color was she and how'd it happen? Was it planned out or was it just one of those heat of the moment things?

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Do you have experience having a "polyamorous" relationship with multiple dogs?

Like I said, check craigslist. Although I suspect people are spending a lot more time with their animals so they don't feel like they need to re-home them, so corna might actually be hampering that. On the other hand, now's the perfect time to get a good boi or good girl (and I highly suggest a good boi) because you are gonna be home all the time for a bit lol

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My dog fucks me

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theres a other feral zoo thread somewhere

I've looked the past month, and CL has been dead in my area as far as dogs go. Mostly just seen cats and other animals.

I'll be so happy when I get a good girl.

Yeah but the other guy only fucks his animals to fuck them. The things I've seen him post are disgusting. Pinning his dog down and zip tying her paws together...that guy is a sick fuck.

If what you mean is get fucked by two dogs at once, yeah. That's how I was with the Saint Bernard boi. His name is Bear, and he's my friend's that I was dogsitting during new year because my friend was out drunk a few towns over so he wasn't able to come home. Kaiser has always been extremely good friends with Bear so I brought him with. It was definitely rated in one of my top zoo experiences, they both had almost 0 issues with each other while being sexual, only thing was Kaiser had to be first with everything lol

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I haven't seen what said but yeah, that's a straight zoo thread, which is fine here, but this thread is more about the discussion. You can tell the type of people they are by the pics they post. It's just two different types of zoos

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huh??? Who did that?

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Dude CL sucks, just buy a dog from a breeder. If you can get a teen or adult female for a decent price go for it.

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Some user about a week ago. They almost immediately removed it though.

How do I go about finding a breeder?

That's terrible. I wasn't here to see it. Report to mods if it's animal abuse.

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A lot of "credited" breeders are pretty scummy and really narcissistic. I'd rather get a dog before he goes to the pound than get a dog that is way over-priced

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>tfw bf made me quit

Feels bad, vro