I am 36 years old, 6 feet 6 inches tall and comfortably over 300 pounds: how does it feel to know I can kick your ass?

I am 36 years old, 6 feet 6 inches tall and comfortably over 300 pounds: how does it feel to know I can kick your ass?

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Duel me fag

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I got 9 rounds that says you can't, faggot.

How does it feel knowing one punch to the gut causes ripple effects strong enough to create a blubber tsunami?

Tiny ass arms lol

oh look a MAGAchud ammosexual

Bitch, pfffff, you can't kick my ass, you wish

dude in the pic will likely have a heart attack in the next 10 years

I'd rather you rape my ass uwu

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With arms that thin id bet on any average male you vegan armed fat fuck

Looks like all I'd have to do is jog away until you die from overexertion. "Comfortably over 300 pounds", come back when your forearms dont look like theyd break in a stiff breeze and you can see your cock without a mirror. was that photo taken in a god damn wallmart change room? Buy your clothes somewhere that doesnt make you look as broke as I'm sure you are.

lol 6'6 why you lyin nig nog?

You look late 40s and not in shape. Not only that, you probably haven't done any hard labor in your life so you just a fat piece of shit. By the way no timestamp faggot.

A gun could end you in seconds. So...

Big fat torso, no muscle. Yeah, you aren't kicking anyones ass super chief.

For arms look like you would break your wrist trying to punch, no scars on knuckles you would fall fast.

His guy honestly looks like somebody loaded up ARK: Survival Evolved and hit the randomize character button.

i’ll hit you 5 times before you can lift your arm up. If you can even connect with those canned hamms you call fists

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Im pretty comfortable that I can just shoot you... you know until you bleed out... or if the hollow point hits close to the heart the shrapnel will kill you before you can hear the bullet unless I use a subsonic suppressor.

Pajeet confirmed putting a play on words on Hindi swears

Nice Kmart jeans faggot

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You have no muscle definition. I'll knock your fucking knee out and you'll drop like a rock.

Assuming this is bait, since your just a fat fuck, with a huge gut. You would go down fast.

I'm 25 years old, 10 inches shorter than you, and half as light.

I trained in martial arts for 8 years and have enough cardio to run a 5K in 25 minutes or less.

How does it feel knowing I can kick your ass?

OP's so big and he's so fat
He thinks the girls all like him like that,
His actual weight is hard to tell
But he's 6.2 on the Richter Scale
He's your ton of joy
You're his little toy
OP's the Fat Boy

yeah well i am 35 years old, 6 feet 7 inches and comfortably over 350 pounds. eat shit

A shotgun blast to the face works on all sizes.

I don't know that you could. How fast are you?

kek, good one

You're deluded into believing you know what a fight is even like. I'll bet you haven't experienced any real physical pain outside of hemorrhoids. Haven't experienced an adrenaline dump in your life. You look like you couldn't even avoid having your toes stomped on, cunt. A fight with a half-awake grown man would quickly acquaint you with the limitations of your thickly marbled heart muscle. For fuck sake have you ever even taken a breath that fully filled your lungs? Absolute faggot, OP. Truly, sincerely fuck yourself.

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But can you kick the ass of a bullet to your skull?

Weird angle or do you have the hands of a 5 yr old?

Do you even lift, bro?!

Wtf...dude you sound weird even by the standards of a /b troll thread of a fat guy threatening to beat ppl up. Please don't shoot anybody or yourself.

The chinese virus is going to kick your ass

"have you ever even taken a breath that fully filled your lungs"

Lost. Oh, wait, this isn't a ylyl thread.
Or is it. Not sure if OP is serious