Old fag who just got back from a 8 year ban, ask me anything

Old fag who just got back from a 8 year ban, ask me anything.

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where wallace at

Do tell

It took you 8 years to turn your router off for a few minutes and restart?
>GTFO newfag

Catching dirt six feet under D

When are you going back?

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Static can be a b*tch sometimes.

If you watch Omar's death episode, he's limping the entire episode from a huge fall. But in the actual death scene of the same episode, he walks normally into the store with no limp. He even takes him time too.

Never noticed that, will have to take a look again at that. Could it be a time jump?

Deserve got anything to do with it?

wtf did you get banned for

Not at all

Why did you drop spoilers you fag?

This show ended twelve years ago.

Cry about spoilers somewhere else.

Have you seen the main board this week? You better not have been looking forward the The Last of Us if so.

I thought it might have been too, but he's wearing the same clothes as an earlier scene. Also, the reaction from the other characters doesn't support a time jump. They were all doing the same thing they were before he died.

its to show how a heros pride goes before the fall, you dont know shit about the Wire its full of amazing writers top teir actors and you just dont understand. Fucking pleb


how is the weather ?

So what? Someone could still decide to watch it eventually, you never know. Now you just ruined a major part of the story.

The difference is The Last of Us is SJW bullshit, and it was obvious that was gonna happen with that fucking dyke Ellie Page being part of it.

Weird flex but ok

Fictional lesbians really set you off, huh? Don't watch any Kima scenes in The Wire.

Just looked at the scene, you're completely right lmfao he's not limping in the corner store at all. Doesn't seem to have been a time jump, the only explanation would be that the actor made a mistake and they didn't bother re-shooting what was a good scene anyhow.

>implying I don't know The Wire borrowed heavily from every Greek tragedy.

They make a point of including little nods to it in several seasons.

But seriously, all of what you said at the expense of physics and chemical biology? IRL a fall like that would leave you with a permanent limp if you never sought medical attention.

no the Wire is literally perfectly written the writers dud that ON PURPOSE and its just your own fault you cant see their genius

Yeah, here's another one.

In season two, one of the dudes in prison with D'Angelo dies from the heroin hot shot. The guy with dreds who was going around delivering it to everyone.

The very same dude walks Randy and Dookie away from the crap game in season four after they win a bunch of money.


Yea that brief episode of Omar supermanning out the window only to survive and still evade Chris and Snoop was suspicious, especially for a show so entrenched in being realistic (Brother Mozone excluded. That dude was just a comic book character). Still it's not enough to take you out of the story being told. It's nitpicking.

It would have been surrealistic were it not for the fact it literally happened in real life lmao that's where they got it from. Although i'm pretty sure it wasn't as many stories he jumped from.

>little nods
like what

So I've read. His boy that dies in that apartment is the real life Omar, iirc.

Really though, Chris and Snoop would've found him according to how the writer's had set them up to that point. They were relentless and had to know he couldn't have been far from the building. Again, I'm nitpicking. Still love the show.

I agree, the show is excellent and it doesn't take away from his character at all. I only noticed it on like my fifth time watching the entire series.

But there are some extrapolations that can be made from it though. For example, what might elude watchers is the subtle homosexual programming the show employs with the Noble Homo trope.

>The Noble Homo: A homosexual character that is written in such a way as to be the most moral/loved/friendly/judicious. Basically the guy everyone loves.

It seems every show these days has a "Noble Homo" especially on Netflix. Once you notice it it becomes hard to miss.

Back to plebbit faggot.

>Noble Homo trope.
I guess so, but they don't exactly make Omar someone you aspire to be. He's constantly in hiding, only has a handful of people he trusts...yea he has a code where he won't kill anyone not in the game, but he's still a killer.

Same thing with Kima. A very capable officer that kinda womanizes and is an alcoholic. There's subtlety but ultimately I think you don't want to be any of the characters on the show.

Actually, If you hit it right, on some soft dirt with fluffy grass on top, maybe a bush, with a little luck youi could get away with a parkour roll. Theres vids of people falling and doing a backwards roll on GRAVEL on youtube from like 4 storeys up. Check it out.

Still would leave an indent in the dirt tho...chris and snoop would have seen but idk.

>Clay Davis's book (Prometheus Bound) as he enters the court room
>Bunk commenting that the Greeks invented ass-fucking
>Omar helping the bailiff with his crossword puzzle (Aries)
>The main antagonist of season two being called the Greek

There are more but I would have to watch it again to find them all. I pretty sure the power struggle between Avon and Stringer is based on a Greek tragedy but I can't think which one.

The creator of the show David Simon, has been telling the story of Baltimore for years. In 1989 he released pic related. An account of him following the homicide squad for a year.

The book features the real life people Landsman, McNulty and Bunk are based on.

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