What is Yas Forumss position on CP? Should it be made legal? If not, why?

What is Yas Forumss position on CP? Should it be made legal? If not, why?

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I think anyone even asking a question that stupid should be taken out and shot in the back of the head.

Okay, moralfag.


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Ill help you citizen

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No. Don't be retarded


Aslong as its consensual

Of course not. CP being legal could only increase demand, which would in turn increase the amount produced and the number of kids abused to produce it. All paedos must hang.

Owning and distributing? Yes.
Creation? No.

Children can't consent faggot.

stupid OP, just stupid

Look at kids' perception of war. They can't see the seriousness of it. Sex requires mature minds or else they'll turn 20-something and it will be ruined for them. I'm glad I waited until I wasn't a teen anymore. Should have even waited longer, but yeah

Pffft. Try telling that to anyone in the Democratic party

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Ding ding ding! Everyone wins.


>Owning and distributing?
It should be punished with death

Let's say you were sexually abused for the purposes of making CP. If the perpetrator was imprisoned but nonces were still circulating your video, would you be content with that outcome?

i had a friend name Benny..he was a sort of fatish but bot really Italian guy.. his thoughts on the subject were this..if a girl was no longer a virgin, then she could have sex with whom ever she wants..and i agree with him..if she knows what sex is and wants to have it with someone else that is her biz..but i also think there has to be a line 18 seems fair..if a man has enough worldly knowledge to join the army at that age then a girl of the same age knows if she wants to be photoed naked..

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Absolutelly no. Abusing = illegal, that's all to it.

Well, I wouldn't go so far as saying wait til you're in your 20's to have sex. I lost my virginity at 15 and turned out pretty normal and productive when compared to most people now days. I'd say 15 is the low end of when people should have sex if they're going to do it - and do it with someone in your same age group of about 15~17 years old. If you're over 18, stick with fucking people of legal age 18 & over. Age of Consent is a thing for a reason.

Yes. That’s what already happens. You cannot 100% stop it.

Of course not you moron

Why does it need to be made legal. Last time I checked laws haven't stopped anyone from doing anything

Sure, but not being able to stop 100% of something is not an argument against prohibiting it. The logical conclusion of what you're saying is that nothing should be prohibited unless prohibition can completely eradicate it. Surely you can see that's prett7 bloody daft.

I mean, the CP that is already made, might as well not let it go to waste.

Just think of it like you're normally a vegetarian, but a restaurant you're at offers you some free burgers toward close because they're just gonna get thrown out. Shame to just let them go in the garbage.

Only straight child porn should be legal.
Women no matter the age can’t consent and are property of their father and husband.
The father and husband determine what the girl should be.
A child sex slave or a groomed house wife married young.
Women shouldn’t be allowed to determine how they live their life.

Yes. maybe too merciful but agreed.

What changes on someones 18th birthday that makes dating someone that's 16 wrong? Dating down 2 years should be the limit once your 18 and should be extended once the younger person is 21+. Even these ages just feel arbitrary, it should be judged on a case by case basis honestly

Nothing needs to be prohibited, limited, censored, illegal, whatever words you want to choose. Regulating morality does nothing good, it encourages the exact opposite of what is sought by trying.

It's 2020

As Skinny Pete would put it, C H U R C H