To straight male anons, if you were offered $7,500 to have your butthole fucked by a gay man for 15 minutes and then he cums in you, would you do it?
>Gay man has average length and girth erect cock
>STD free gay man
>Guranteed secret
To straight male anons, if you were offered $7...
No, but I'm sure I have a price. Keep trying.
10000000% 7k sounds pretty decent for some ass pain, I have chronic back pain for free so fuck it bring the peen
Gotdamn, FPBP, Trips of Truth, and Holy Numbers
I would ask for 30k so I can day trade again
Don't understand what "straight" means, do you?
did you just offered me aids? WOW OP.. you really are a fag
sure, could use the money
Mate I'd do it twice a week. Working is pretty similar to getting fucked in the arse, and that would be 39.5 fewer hours per week for a shitload more money.
I said I could use the money. Plus anons prolly talking murican dollars which has a high exchange rate in mons country
I'm not sure you do.
you can't just post that webm without explaining it. is that a punishment? sure fucking looks like it...
What in gods name is this ghetto circumcision
Straight but closet gay I guess. I'd do it for free. Kik is ahawth92
tribal circumcision.
the thinking man
...that is an interesting point.
Yea lol
yeah of course
Nope. For $7,500, I'd let him touch my peepee, though.
>STD free gay man
As long as this is true then absolutely.
Would you let him stroke your penis while he penetrates your boipussy, faggot?
$15k a week would cover more than enough soothing ointments.
Do you take Visa/Mastercard?
There is no such thing as an STD free gay man
7k, a secret, std free, and for only 15 minutes of my time? I'm straight and maybe a sucker when it comes to cash but what is there to lose here?
Your reputation with yourself.
Yo why the fuck
Yeah if he was attactive I'd do that. Might even do it for 5k. Maybe less if I get to cum too
He said >to straight anons
Get out of here.