To straight male anons, if you were offered $7...

To straight male anons, if you were offered $7,500 to have your butthole fucked by a gay man for 15 minutes and then he cums in you, would you do it?
>Gay man has average length and girth erect cock
>STD free gay man
>Guranteed secret

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No, but I'm sure I have a price. Keep trying.


10000000% 7k sounds pretty decent for some ass pain, I have chronic back pain for free so fuck it bring the peen

Gotdamn, FPBP, Trips of Truth, and Holy Numbers

I would ask for 30k so I can day trade again

Don't understand what "straight" means, do you?

did you just offered me aids? WOW OP.. you really are a fag

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sure, could use the money

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Mate I'd do it twice a week. Working is pretty similar to getting fucked in the arse, and that would be 39.5 fewer hours per week for a shitload more money.

I said I could use the money. Plus anons prolly talking murican dollars which has a high exchange rate in mons country

Attached: Super Circumcision Go.webm (480x360, 1.59M)

I'm not sure you do.

you can't just post that webm without explaining it. is that a punishment? sure fucking looks like it...

What in gods name is this ghetto circumcision

Straight but closet gay I guess. I'd do it for free. Kik is ahawth92

tribal circumcision.

the thinking man

...that is an interesting point.

Yea lol

yeah of course

Nope. For $7,500, I'd let him touch my peepee, though.

>STD free gay man
As long as this is true then absolutely.

Would you let him stroke your penis while he penetrates your boipussy, faggot?

$15k a week would cover more than enough soothing ointments.

Do you take Visa/Mastercard?

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There is no such thing as an STD free gay man

7k, a secret, std free, and for only 15 minutes of my time? I'm straight and maybe a sucker when it comes to cash but what is there to lose here?

Your reputation with yourself.


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Yo why the fuck

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Yeah if he was attactive I'd do that. Might even do it for 5k. Maybe less if I get to cum too

He said >to straight anons

Get out of here.