Loli thread, Illya and friends edition

Loli thread, Illya and friends edition

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Damn got more?

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Kuro is the best there is


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Fate probably has some of the best lolis out of every anime I've ever seen tbh. Though I don't watch much anime

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kill yourselves u pedophiles
also if you deny you're a pedophile in a loli thread, you're not a lolicon you just like young looking/small boob wimmin or teens, not the same as liking kids you fags

i mean by teens 17/18/19 year olds not 13 lawl

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>unable to define fiction from reality this hard.

Based lolicon/pedophile in denial who coincidentally can't stop entering and posting in these threads, you will join us soon king

I am an illyaphile she's like 20 or something so its all good dw fam xd :ok_hand:

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I think it's the same guy thats always saying the same crap in doll threads too. Need to stop supplying him with (you)s and he might go away.