Are you satisfied with yo dicksize? pic related gets about 13 cm long

Are you satisfied with yo dicksize? pic related gets about 13 cm long

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I‘m not

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lmao shut the fuck up mutilated dick.
post more op

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i will in about 45 minutes

mine is about 6 inches when i get it hard. i wish it were bigger but oh well

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always wished mine was longer even though I've been told it's a good size (it also takes more than two hands to cover when erect), i dunno

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> Are you satisfied with yo dicksize?
You better be, dude there is literally nothing you can do about it, it is dumbfuck stupid to be unsatisfied with it, a recipe for a life of frustration
Mine is average, but every girl I've been with seems pretty much satisfied, so I'm pretty satisfied too

I’m about 7 Long which is fine but I do wish I was a bit thicker, everyone I’ve been with says it’s pretty tho

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Smallish nutsack and fairly thin shaft though. Otherwise agree but sound like a incel or something.

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fuck no ive always been insecure about my tiny pp. some of you guys have wonderful dicks and it makes me insanely jealous. no homo

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better profile i hope
how is this conclusion drawn

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looks pretty small and the foreskin looks tight. can i see the head?

I can't remember how many inches I am but I'm pretty sure I'm below average.

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Just long enough to hit my girls cirvex
Wish I was a little thicker

i'll show if you or anyone really want to see it but honestly, it's not tight at all, i can fully pull it back even when hard

No. I'm like 7 inches. But I've given girls orgasms. You just have to hit the weights, look good, smell good, and have a decent house, and a decent vehicle.

Also, take testosterone. Could be Cypionate, Enanthate, etc. Doesn't matter. It will make maximize your sex abilities x500. So if you're one of the unfortunate folk who have a 2 inch dick, taking test will make your 2 inch dick the best version of itself.

Attached: test.jpg (474x827, 39.22K)

6* but really like 6.3, but slim, not a lot of girth. :/

Size is fine at 7", but as of tuesday, I'm down to one ball.

7 on the dot not sure tho it doesn’t seem that big :/

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That joint huge

Not at all.

It isn't because your volume is still on the low side due to small girth. Literally at nuts deep, your shaft is like smaller than your one nut. LMFAO

I am pretty thick like 6.5 inches in circumference but i wish i was a little bit longer i guess (like 16-17cm in length around 6.5-7inches)

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8 1/2inches long by 6.1inches complaints.

That’s a huge dick bro you should be satisfied

Forgot pic.

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my dicks a massive 4.8 inches

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