Your daughter brings home her boyfriend and you haven't seen him yet. Which race do you want him not to be?

Your daughter brings home her boyfriend and you haven't seen him yet. Which race do you want him not to be?

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is this from her onlyfans? dump wins

Asian-American. They're usually intelligent, family-oriented, respectable people. Or white. But a good white, ivy-league tier

>not to be

Thats who you want him to be. I'm asking who do you want him not to be.

Oh, read that wrong. Obviously black

better not be a fuckin indian. weird ass rapists

Those damned elves.

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anything as long as nipples are pink

I'm pretty sure I have a son.


I'm still playing Skyrim. Mods ftw. Can't wait till VI.

>excuse me miss i think you dropped this

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Indian, unless he's at least a 4th generation immigrant. If he, his parents, or his grandparents were born and raised in India then I'd break his kneecaps for even looking at my daughter.

Well, seeing as how most btards are permavirgins, this is a moot point.

No chinks. No thanks. I want my boys to have at least regular PPs.


I want him to be Hispanic
White looking
But not retarded and goofy like whites people

So you want your grandkids to be nigger-skinned street shitters?



Taco Tuesday ain't no joke.

Even if he is 4th gen that's still disgusting lmao. Do you want your house to smell like body odor?

you want to have hapa kids? ew

No, that's why I said at least 4th generation. Only the ones that grow up there shit in the street. I also don't give half a shit about skin color

I wouldn't have a daughter. I'd have it aborted or skip town if the mother wouldn't agree.

The ones that grow up in an actual 1st world country eventually learn to wash themselves. It takes a couple of generations though.

Why do you care about your boyfriends cock? Are you going to fuck him too?

Then you have the low standards of someone who will never have a pure young daughter.

Found the faggot Asian with a small cock.

No, that's why the castes are right. You're a lower class and this is why you think this way.

Waste of a thread. Nobody wants their daughter's boyfriend to be black. Even black parents would prefer their daughter's boyfriend to not be black, because they don't want to have to raise any of the bastard grandkids she pops out, themselves.

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>Triggered slant eye

>speaking from experience

Yes, your mother had a hard life.

So you do like cock, otherwise you wouldnt give a fuck.

>Triggered gay beta male

No one'l has ever told you your dick is small because no one besides your mother has seen it.

Seems like you really care about it, baby dick.

A border collie or english bulldog, let her take home a german sheperd, like her mother before her.
Or maybe a Golden Retriever if she likes that, she should let her sister try sometimes