If the suicide rate for trans people is the same every year, but the number of trans people are doubling in numbers...

If the suicide rate for trans people is the same every year, but the number of trans people are doubling in numbers, then why are people promoting this to children?

And no, before you reply, they aren't ''born in the wrong body'' or destined to feel gender dysphoria. This shit is influential and people are easily brainwashed.

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sometimes the herd needs thinning


Sweden is faggy as hell. Georgia represent


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Trans shit functions like a cult. Go look at the subreddit egg_irl for how they subvert normal teenage feelings.

Really though it's just a result of people wanting to drop out of society (no future) as well as pseudoscience and a total lack of academic rigor in psychology and sociology.

let them off themselves, what they get for making weak decisions

Free will niggers, it doesn't affect you anyways

The whole problem about this is that the tendency of unhappiness and depression is growing and the acceptance for trans people too.
But, there's the problem.
Some people, in a hope to find a solution for their unhappiness, they see the whole media speaking about how trans people are accepting themselves and how happy they are now, those unhappy people try the "trans" thing and find out as an whole solution for their problems, people say that media doesn't do anything, but look how bad fat people are feeling towards the "perfect" body of what they saw and see everyday.
The acceptance about ourselves is becoming a big lie as we speak right now, some people really has dysphoria, but some child just don't know shit and find a solution being a trans person, the more we stimulate children to do this, the less we find a better solution for the real problem, becoming a trans is helluva thing, they kill themselves because they're biological male/female and only god knows how they feel about themselves, having a body that doesn't look like nothing that you idealized.
I know very well too that some children have problems with hormones and will look like a female/male for the rest of life.
I can accept this kind of parents, but parents trying this kind of shit as an whole solution? Nah, they deserve the jail just like antivax.

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yes lets mutilate teens till they cant revert the damage people have done for them

Because the suicides only happen because of transphobes and trump and also using reason against a trans person is transphobic

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No one is promoting anything. Its not a choice you losers. Stop being obsessed with people's genitals you fucking insecure losers. Why are there so many threads hating trans ppl for the love of god, haven't you thought that the suicide rate is due to ignorant fucktards like yourselves who assault them online and In public.
Hurr durr I know what genitals you have you can't trick me trust me I'm a doctor and qualified sciencer


Russian fake news sites know best, right?

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Charlize Theron started raising her adopted son as a transgender when he was only 3 years old.

These are the comments under the article, talking about a 3 year old. How is this not considered child abuse and brainwashing? Why are they being celebrated in the media as progressives?

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Childhood sex aboose by my dad where he would dress me up as a girl and put my long hair in pigtails is the only reason I'mma grily not being born in the wrong body lulz

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well if you are so worried about suicide rates why not just stop the anti trans propaganda tour?

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they promote it to children because the whole thing is actually a sick method of population control
imagine thinking kids know anywhere nearly enough to make a reasonable choice regarding their own ability to start a family
I feel bad for the mean things people do to trannies but the shit they enable is absolutely unnaceptable

We're saving lives here.


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>bro the state of society doesn't effect you at all bro
Shut the fuck up retard. It's an important discussion to have especially when children and mental illness is involved. Fucking bonehead.

It's because of porn addiction.

Bunch of young men would rather embrace their feminization fetish than try getting a girlfriend.

I made a thread yesterday about the effects of circumcision and trans people, i.e. men that want to become female, or men who think they are female.

Getting your dick cut when you're born is the cause of the current trans state. Millions of little baby boys are traumatized not long after exiting the womb, one of the first things they experience. Thus, later in life, they have an urge to finish the job and fully commit.

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Europeans don't mutiliate their gentials like burgers. Retarded theory.

OK doctor science. 'The state of society'. Very substantial

Liev Schreiber openly has said on that Cunt Ellens show they screw in the bath tub him an son !
How can he still have access , , His comments we willy dances in the bath , then Mine gets hard an he plays with it ! all great fun .. audience , loving it Ellen Loves it like a future blackmail religion .

The biggest danger to children is the transgendered hugbox online that brainwashes people into doing this shit.

The people encouraging you into this lifestyle want to feel normal in their delusion, and the best way they've figured how to do that is by drawing in as many others as possible so that they don't feel alone. None have your interests at heart.

Where does it say that the suicide rate is the same every year? And why should we assume the suicide rate is the same in any country?


I tried briefly to research this claim for you and between Google trying to cram trans support into my eyeballs and the Swedish not seeming to publish data on the topic I found nothing beyond the fact that this discussion would basically be illegal in Sweden.

I think at this point trans people have more rights than any group has ever had in history, I don't get how they expect sympathy when they're the most politically and physically protected class who's ever lived.

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way to blame porn like a fucking kike

Yeah, I know. But it came to mind. I do wonder if there is any connection to the countries that do mutilate their genitals.

??? You can use zeitgeist if you prefer that.

Transmedicalists are the only sensible ones out of your weird ass group I recommend you listen to them.

Dont worry Sweden the same is happening in america to

Gender is a construct.
Sweden boys will become cute girls and American boys will move to Sweden and marry them and children and happily ever after.

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Yes but by transitioning you further enforce that construct. If you wanna be gay just be gay

Trans isn't really about being gay is it tho?
I mean... barring the paradox of a man becoming a woman who likes women being technically gay.