Sweden didn't lockdown their country and they're doing pretty good compared to other countries...

Sweden didn't lockdown their country and they're doing pretty good compared to other countries. So why are we destroying out economies?

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I genuinely don't know. I live in the UK and support the lockdown but hearing about Sweden not doing the same and doing ok is strange. Atm I guess I'm just going to err on the side of caution and trust the government for now. Will review as I hear more about Sweden.

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Sweden is barely a country though, most US states have more people

Probably giving out fake numbers.

Post the updated numbers, idiot..

confirmed: 20.302

deaths; 2.462

Sweden is a fail, and always will be.

Every country will have a different spread depending on the population and other factors. I mean it worked there, great, but dont try that shit in new york or LA.

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Sweden has about 20% more people than Switzerland but about 40% more deaths. Demographics are similar and so is healthcare. So the cost of staying open has been about 400 extra deaths. You can decide on your own if this was worth it or not. But most people have onbviously made up their mind and decided it isn't.

oh wow 2500 in 5 months from 10 mill people. such fail, such shock, we must kill economy beep boop

It's almost as if our two countries have different climate, terrain, population densities, culture and customs, medical infrastructure (socialism bad), and ethnic makeup.

Sweden is a relatively low population country with a geography that keeps people spread apart naturally. The majority of their population lives in rural areas, not major cities. Hard to spread a virus through physical contact when most people already live in tiny ass towns dozens or hundreds of kilometres apart.

You still deliberately posted wrong numbers to start the thread,,,

just KYS

That is extremely out of date

That is more up to date

Source: im swedish

Another reason you can't really compare two areas based on today's data is that Sweden peaked earlier, and due to being open, will have had relatively harder peak. Places that locked down will have right-sided tails to their curve and be more vulnerable to additional waves because fewer people in those places have made antibodies. Then you also have to add increased economic strife deaths cascading into the future from shut down related stress, suicide, domestic violence, homelessness, etc.

The lock-down won't stop people from getting the virus, it will only slow the rate that is spreads at. Sweden's goal seems to be to hurry up and get it over with in an effort to get to herd immunity faster and they are apparently getting there faster. Assuming we don't come up with any break-through treatments or vaccines in the next few weeks, we'll probably be forced to follow in their steps eventually. Without a breakthrough, herd immunity is really the only other way this can end. If we suddenly do have a breakthrough then far more Swedes will have died than necessary. If we don't have a sudden breakthrough then we'll all eventually be dealing with the same death rates eventually but we'll have destroyed our economy far more than necessary in the process.

in the last two weeks the total number of cases have doubled and the death rate has tripled and with no containment plan. sweden is a refugee country now anyway. Malmo has been completely taken over by syrian gangs but whatever, As-salamu alaykum Yas Forumsro

If we all stay inside for two weeks, the virus can disappear.

Should have locked down properly like NZ, currently getting back to business after 19 deaths and few cases of community transmission. You're fucked if you want a proper lockdown now.

As someone in the UK I would not trust the government. I recognise that covids deadly and all that and that lockdown is necessary, but the government's response has hardly been altruistic

Over 2,000 deaths in a country of 10 million is awful. No, "herd immunity" isn't the final answer if you look at countries like Vietnam, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand, because they actually did something.

Even China hasn't been able to do that and they resorted to having police nail people's doors shut and beating people who were outside.

People will need to buy groceries, grocery workers will have to work for those people to buy groceries, essential businesses have to stay open, medical employees have to keep working, several of these people still have to take mass transit services.

i know another country with 10 million inhabitants. same start of infections happeing as in sweden. did lock down

now. 10k cases, 400 dead

oh look. sweden is winning

thats not how the virus works. you would have to shut down everything for 2 weeks and desinfect every public place and the sewers

else it will spread. even being outside on your balcony and the neigbor above you sneezing will give you corona

Swedens economy is not doing any better than countries with lockdown.

america cares more about the economy then healthcare,and they elected a president who is absolute shit on both issues

no shit. tourism is at 0% in any country. and what else is sweden doing? i don't really have an idea.

their IT is shit slow, their food is disgusting (banana pizza, really?) their hookers are bad

this, also imposing lock down will barely change anything due to the population distribution and their antisocial lifestyle

all of the sudden you like how Sweden functions?! pick one faggots

This. From what I've read, something like 50%-ish of Swedish households are one-person households while in America 28% of households only have one person. This virus can spread a little bit through the air but the main mechanism of spread is touching something that's come into contact with an infected person and then touching your nose or mouth. The virus tends to spread easily when one family member in a house has it since it's very difficult for them not to expose the people living with them to it.

Sweden didn't spread its ass cheeks to a Chinese-dominated oligarchy and then let the poop-covered dick of authority cream in its dreams of privacy and basic liberties. Oh yeah, and they aren't immune nor will a vaccine be coming soon to a nation ENTIRELY dependent on international commerce.

Are we thinking about the same country yet? The same winner?

such win 2100 old sick obese fucks will die 6 months later

not op faggot, cope