Just turned 21 today, none of my friends asked. I had some lemon cake today, pretty good. life sucks. AMA

Just turned 21 today, none of my friends asked. I had some lemon cake today, pretty good. life sucks. AMA

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Fuck off, no one cares.

> had some cake today, pretty good

based Django reference

happy birthday!

it's like you don't even realize that acknowledgement of one's birthday is something that's supposed to end after childhood

I grew up in a religion that never celebrated birthdays. Quit bitching.

How old are your friends?

My 21st was spent by myself too, user. Got hammered. Regretted the fuck out of it. Messaged every ex, posted a bunch of bullshit on social media.

Wisdom: Don't drink alone on your birthday.

being poor isn't a religion

or just don't be a fucking retard with mental problems like you

they just show up when you're drunk

Shit, im not even a huge drinker. Im chilling out so far just playin vidya

Happy Birthday user! Where are u from?

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Happy Birthday user!!

Happy birthday! Don’t forget we are there for you my guy. We may be cunts and act like absolute faggots, but in the end we are brothers.

Happy birthday Yas Forumsro. I got tired of drinking when I hit 21 now I'm 30 holy fuck I'm old. Be happy that you're still young user I hope you have a nice rest of your birthday.

Happy birthday user, what steam game do you want for your birthday?

Buy me some booze in South Carolina

happy level up op. treat yourself somehow. mayb get takeout and watch your fav movie?

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who hurt you

Lol if you only knew

>messaging exes and posting bullshit is considered a mental problem
everyone does that though. r-right?

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Like the other guy said birthdays are for kids. Who cares.

hello user, i hope you are good
want to play tower unite with me?

My dick in your NIGGER ASS

im currently comfy right now with some orange chicken chinese food and playing vidya, im doin a-ok so far

Go for it op. Dubs says so. Check em

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No steam game required, my friend already gifted me GTFO, Need for speed heat, and borderlands 3 i'm all set

happy birthday dude

Get over it, play Kenshi

They probably are not your friends.

Have i told you how smart, handsome and capable you are, OP? Happy Birthday, everything WILL get better,OP! You're 21 with so much ahead of you! Don't slog around be proud you've reached this maturity and seize the day (your special day)! Love ya big guy!

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You are my bruddah I love lemon tasting
things specially some lemon merengue pie. Happy Birthday and don’t get
existential and depressed user
it gets better

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do you fart

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Why do you care what some retards, who you're never going to see again in 3 years, think? Happy B day. Fuck having friends.

alright bro, happy birthday anyway :)

Happy birthday bro

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This man is spreading falsehoods

Psst.. Get sum wang big Yas Forumsro~

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Nice try mossad "neet" unit but my big Yas Forumsro is THE MAN!

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Ack! Happiness!
>seethe harder

happy birthday go to the store and buy yourself a drink.

when i turned 21 i was hoping to go out with a friend he just cockblocked me. i hung out with his younger brother played video games with him. i would come home drink myself.

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You didn’t fuck his brother to show dominance?

Happy birthday friend

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