So what do yall think about the #repealthe19th hashtag going around on twitter?

So what do yall think about the #repealthe19th hashtag going around on twitter?

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I think you gotta be a top tier misogynist to be part of something like that. I mean, your hatred for women has got to be off the charts. I'm really going to wonder and worry which female relative exactly fucked your life up.

this. you must suck at talking to girls if your best option is revoking their right to vote.

so unconfident that they won’t choose you, so loveless, that you’d suspend voting rights for half the population.

Women voting allows politicians (corporate owned) to pit sexes against each other. Women vote with emotion while men vote for what is good for their family. Having men vote is one vote per household.
Ever wonder why your country is being invaded by immigrants? Women.
Look at what happens to the countries with "all female governments"
Get real you fuckin pussy and grow a fuckin dick.

There are three stages of experience with women.
1) Beta as fuck, hating them cause you can't get them
2) Got them
3) Had enough of them

based muslim shitposters

Women say they really care about rape
Womens vote skews left
Left parties import masses of 17-year old grizzled wrinkled war orphans
Afghans and somalis rape 15-40 times more often than local men
Womens vote skews even more left

They can't even think straight on this one issue they claim is super important

Yeah exactly dude because they are literally fuckin brainwashed by propaganda and slaves to social validation. They think it is "cool" to date and procreate with these people, they feel "bad" for them. Women are useful idiots used like pawns to push agendas they don't understand that these immigrants and fuckin retarded and how bad it's hurting civilized society to fill another city up with burkas.
Same shit with wasting money women are 80% of personal spending in the world because companies know they are fuckin retarded and will blow a couple grand of their families money on purses and shit to try to one up their friends.

Guess we're both category 3, had women and are over them

Even my ex gf thought giving women the right to vote was a mistake lol

Cant we laugh at things anymore?

Imagine that, Muhammad.

Rework* The 19th

America would be better if women had less rights

>Anchor post for all femanons to show themselves by referencing mom's basement, small dicks or being an incel in the (you)s of this post

Says the small dick incel in mom's basement. Bonus points for small ORANGE dick from all the cheetos dust and the anime pillow of Donald Trump.

lol some people on that website

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How has a woman personally hurt you by exercising her right to vote? I'd like to hear the specifics of your personal injury.

My country is full of immigrants.
Fuck off pathetic loser still worshiping women, have you even seen a tit loser?

kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn.

i'm a woman and i unironically agree

I love this so much everytime i see it

Settle down, Hans. Wait are you American or not? Are you complaining about America being full of immigrants? Or a different one? If you're bitching about your own country I hate to break it to you but the 19th Amendment doesn't affect you.

Oh wow, three people on Twitter support it. I guess it's gonna go to Congress soon. Other than that, obviously we all believe it should be repealed, but also women should just have IBU since they pretty much live off the government most of the then anyway and won't pay taxes. Also, they can vote if they're married or were in the military.

personally I think only trump supporters should be allowed to vote. only if they are white and male. only if they own 3 or more firearms and work in the oil industry

based youll make some dude a great wife

Also, trannys can't vote, regardless of what they turn to and seriously, fags shouldn't vote either, but still pay taxes for being fags and can't serve. And while we're at it, not being if European decent is illegal unless you're a Native American.

You don't believe you should have the right to vote. Is that correct?
Can you elaborate on this belief? Thanks.

If you weren't fat I'd marry you. Also, you know the rules. Post'em.

((She)) probably has a dick bigger than yours.

I think it's well overdue. They've proven what kind of people they are.

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Who are they -- women?
What kind of people are they?

What kind of people are they? The kind to let thousands of people die so they can get a government that affirms their delusions of superiority.

The kind of people that constantly lie and manipulate data to make sure nobody sees what they're doing.

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Saw a vid years back where a guy set up a booth on a college campus with a petition to end women's sufferage. A bunch of people signed because they thought women shouldn't suffer.

Speaking of manipulating data, I see the graph you posted has no attribution. Or was an oversight?

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