Do you think it's possible to attain enlightenment Yas Forums?

Do you think it's possible to attain enlightenment Yas Forums?

Or is it a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, a fantasy?

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Mumbo, perhaps. Jumbo? Perhaps not!


First tell us what you think "enlightenment" is.
Because that is usually where the misunderstandings start.

I define enlightenment as being the state of nirvana where there is no suffering and a higher plane of consciousness is achieved.

Is that currently possible? I could see it maybe being possible through technology, but I haven't seen any evidence that it's possible through meditation or similar practices.

Drugs will make you incredibly happy, but it won't last. reincarnation doesn't exist, so no need to worry about that.
>no suffering
as long as the drugs works
>higher plane of consciousness
that is just mumbo-jumbo and needs to be clearly defined as well.

nirvana is death.

it's literally just a stupid meme, no substance whatsoever. anyone who claims to be enlightened (in the spiritual sense) is a fucking retard.

You are reincarnated every second. The person who is reading this message is not the same one who wrote this post. If you try to find the self it slips away like trying to grab water. Enlightenment is fundamentally no different from everyday experience, and has nothing to do with a state after death or reincarnation in our traditional understanding of it. I'd recommend reading the tao te ching and watching alan watts, but enlightenment means realizing that there's no such thing as enlightenment to achieve, as you've always had it but never realized this. The best explanation I've found is

What if drugs aren't enough?

What is the key to an assured happiness if enlightenment isn't currently possible?

Thank you, I'll check that link out!

Read the Visuddhimagga, or "The Path of Purification". It's supposed to be the actual guide to enlightenment. I personally can't make it past 10 pages. You'd probably have to be fully mindful and content to read that shit. Hell, I'd reckon you'd have to actually be a monk at a monastery to be able to read it.

>alan watts

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how do you know reincarnation doesn't exist?

I think there are stages of spiritual enlightenment. Which is just deeper understanding of nature and the world and becoming free of limitations we impose on ourselves through our lives. But I do believe there is a very high state of enlightenment where one is in union with something greater than the ego.

>What if drugs aren't enough?
more drugs.
>What is the key to an assured happiness if enlightenment isn't currently possible?
enlightenment still not properly defined. but realistically: there is none.

A tree is just as much the soil beneath it's roots and the water and air that builds it's body as it is it's branches and leaves we call a tree, because if we remove any one of these pieces the tree will cease to be a tree. Any object is dependent on it's environment for form, and we're just as much the food we eat and the water we drink as the form it assumes. Every winter trees lose their leaves, only for them to grow back when spring rolls around. The dead leaves feed insects which feed frogs which feed snakes which die, only to become soil which grows leaves again. We're only a blip in this cycle, and enlightenment can be interpreted as becoming one with this cycle, but buddhism posits this as a paradox because this is a meaningless statement: how could anything ever stray away from this cycle? It's impossible to remove yourself from the laws of nature, but this is why the definition of samsara, (this cyclic existence) is ignorance, or illusion, as it has as much reality as a dream. Buddha is an honorary title which means the awakened one, as the Buddha is believed to have awakened from this illusion just as you might awaken while you're dreaming and realize it was only a dream. Nirvana can be thought of as lucid living, but names can never describe it accurately. "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form" - Heart Sutra

>how do you know reincarnation doesn't exist?
because there is no proof for that.

Mr Trunt is entitled and has grate whizzdums and cannot not tell a lie. These are reasons enough to vote for him as prezdent 4life! Bring on the End Times.

Put simply, "enlightenment" is the accepting of the now or the moment. It is being in a conscious state of no thought.

Close your eyes and try to notice how many things in your environment you can distinguish from listening. In that moment you will not be thinking about yesterday nor thinking about tomorrow. You will not be thinking at all. You cannot think about the now, you experience it.

And experiencing it fully at all times is what nirvana is supposed to be

What proof would you accept? What if the receiver of consciousness is something that exists "beneath" the fabric of the universe, and therefore minds (and therefore bodies) appearing and disappearing are appearing and disappearing to that receiver?

That's a good explanation. I'll be honest though, enlightenment sounds boring as hell.

Buddha says nirvana is the end of suffering.

When we stop focusing our mental energy from thinking about the past or worrying about the future and are present to the moment there is the end of suffering.

Sustaining this state keeps you grounded and effective to the world around you.

People that are closest to a state of enlightenment are almost always in a state of awe and wonder. They are unimaginably happy people and they bring joy and happiness to everyone around them. I know this because I know someone like that. They make no attempt to project an ego into the world, they simply are and at first glance seem simple, but if you get to know them you realize they are creativity a human body. This person also doesn't go around thinking they are enlightened.

Because Samsara and Nirvana are the same thing. God created this world for us to play in.He plays us playing in the world. Even the suffering we go through is a game of forms.

>What proof would you accept?
At a minimum it needs to be falsifiable and repeatable. The rest is up to the person making the claim.
>What if the receiver of consciousness is something that exists "beneath" the fabric of the universe, and therefore minds (and therefore bodies) appearing and disappearing are appearing and disappearing to that receiver?
word salad

It’s dumb. Just accept Christ and stop wondering about stupid shit.

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On paper it may sound boring but in reality and especially with other people it is really powerful.

It changes how you experience life and how people experience you.

Once you can fully experience presence are able to escape the "mental chatter", its like an awakening of your full conscious self.

In this state of full awareness many wonderful things become available to you that you wouldn't have even noticed before because of how caught up in your own head you used to be.

There is no proof for a lot of things you believe.

You know your way of thinking is extremely close minded. why do you worship science to that degree? It's all just faith.

In a way enlightenment is already your gift. You see all sides of humanity on a daily basis. What can be more enlightening than that?

>There is no proof for a lot of things you believe.
That is true, I believe a lot of things, with a varying degree of certainty, for which there are varying levels of evidence.
>You know your way of thinking is extremely close minded. why do you worship science to that degree? It's all just faith.
I don't think I worship science. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And this qualifies as an extraordinary claim.

But what if it's not something that the mind could accept as being 100% true? Really, nothing in this universe has a 100% probability except of course the very fact that one exists.

But when we argue with strangers on the internet, we act base don the assumption that there might actually be someone on the other side, and you're not hallucinating everything.

Before you can lead effectively or take decisive action you have to get rid of all your mental bullshit.

Most people live life through their thoughts and walk around in a daze. Regretting yesterday and worrying about tomorrow. Very few are able to fully experience living aka. being in the moment aka. being enlightened. So people become attracted and gravitated towards you because your lack of worries or mental anguish. A good analogy is; you become the trunk which the squirrels can run around on vs the leaf in the wind.

It has tremendously helped my health, career, and love life.

Just gotta be careful about the ego creeping back in making you think you might be better than others because you are "enlightened", but just come back to center and you'll be ok.