I hope everyone of you pedos on here dies a horrific death. You creeps hitting on 14 year olds aren’t the problem. It’s the fags jerking it to
I hope everyone of you pedos on here dies a horrific death. You creeps hitting on 14 year olds aren’t the problem...
Honestly I think it's the people who smoke pot are the biggest problem. But drug addicts rarely acknowledge they're the problem.
are you trying to say that you hit on 14yos and that you arent the problem?
I would say a lot of drug addicts are fucked, but many leave productive lives without screwing with others lives.
Nah just saying some 14 year olds have big titties and look 18.
Ummm sweetie, have you even lived near niggers?
Black people yah, niggers. Can’t say I have.
You first faggot.
I unfortunately have and believe me when I say that drug addicts screw with everyone's lives. Streets are completely unsafe.
I can get that, however I think a Pedo is still worst. Going around taking a child’s innocence as a sign of sexual advancement is just disgusting. A little kid hugging you doesn’t mean they want to suck some perverts dick
Exactly. They don't want no pervy cock. They want that good dick from who ever it is they're hugging.
so its exactly that
you hitting on 14yo girls with big tits
You hit it on 14yo kids op. Lmao that makes u a pedo too you fucking retard
trying to defend yourself by pointing at others
What? Never target your breeding pops man! That's a sure fire way to cause yourself a headache down the road. No you want to target the undesirables. Like outliers, elderly or uncontrollable. And maybe a few of the more useless breeding stock. Just need to keep enough around to maintain viability. Remember, over specialise and you breed in weakness.
>You creeps hitting on 14 year olds aren’t the problem. It’s the fags jerking it to
Not OP but I’d bet most pedos hit on kids online
The world's elite run sex slave rings that destroy thousands of children a year, but me fapping to drawings is the problem.
>You creeps hitting on 14 year olds aren't the problem. It's the fags jerking it to
They are included in the problem fag
>The world's elite run sex slave rings
So that's how you justify it?
fucking LOL
I don't have to justify shit. It's a drawing. I didn't create it, I don't distribute it, I just come here, rub one out, and leave.
No, they are the problem. Children being raped and dismembered for super rich shits and giggles is the problem. Lonely neckbeards staying home and jerking it aren't hurting anybody except perhaps themselves.
The FBI only polices this shit among the general populace to eliminate competition with the official pedo rings of the US government.
Nice cp bait faggot
Please go one while I track ur IPS
>fucking 14 year olds - ok
>secretly looking at pictures of
This is hilarious as shit
Y’all Niggas posting in a troll thread
why 18?
I don't understand guys who like girls that don't have pubic hair yet. That's fucking wierd and just a horrible fetish.