Trap/trans/femboy riding a dildo thread

Trap/trans/femboy riding a dildo thread

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just made these

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Thread needs traps wearing thongs or jockstraps.


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What the fuck, it's only Wednesday? How am I supposed to cope with not being cute, not having a dildo, and not having a bf while working from home?


Why do gay bois wear them?

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you can post your asshole so i can jerk off to it

Me - sorry not the best quality but I am learning

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I feel like my hole isn't the most attractive, especially since it's not smooth and clean shaven at the moment

They're assless underwear with straps you can grab. They also look good.

this is amazing

ive been wanting to

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>tfw no dildo
Lockdown would be so different if I had something long and hard in my bum

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>be born and bless with huge dick and/or balls
>decide to not use them to their 100% efficiency and breed women
Wtf is this messed up world? Is G*d a huge troll or sumting? Why do I have a small dick and cry myself to sleep everyday while these literal fags waste their potential???

just become one of them

I didn't know that they make dildos in the shape and colour of shit.

Moar like this pls.

name or sauce please, that dick is delicious

kindly fuck off to /lgbt/

Same here.

God test you in mysterious ways. Bitterness for decades.


bro I'm gonna need sauce on this

that's a blue board newfag

>be 6'1"
>had mile run times comparable to some of the jocks without any training
>everyone tried to push me into joining track back in school since I was was pretty fast
>lel no, fuck that
>could totally have been a chad if I tried
>have absolutely no desire to try to be chad
>tfw instead want to be a woman
I feel like my entire life could be different and "normal" if I actually joined the track team, but I had no interest in being a part of any sports. Sometimes I think god is up there having a laugh...

this really pisses me off because that's a good size cock and it's being wasted on a fucking sissy