Why do Americans use powdered garlic and onion. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Why do Americans use powdered garlic and onion. What the fuck is wrong with you?
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The same reason Europeans let islamic immigrants fuck their wives and rape their daughters and drive vans into their christmas markets
because we're lazy
Good for seasoning in cooking.
Also, garlic powder as a topper on pizza is fucken amazing.
the flavor is good, the texture is not
putting actual onions on food ought to be made unconstitutional
this. i of course prefer to use real onions and that pre minced garlic and I keep a pretty big jar of that. but its nice to have around if I or my wife forgets to get an onion for something we are making.
did this just last week.
idk, USAfags are dumb fat and just questionable, Its kind of like how asians put MSG in/on their food. Basically its all for the umami.
imagine garlic powder has anything to do with obesity
And...is the same reason The same reason Americans let niggers fuck their wives and rape their daughters and drive vans into their christmas markets?
nice one eu cuck faggot. americans dont have christmas markets you dumb motherfucker. you thought you would be clever just by changing it to american and niggers instead of islams but you're so fucking retarded with your eu education that you cant even grasp the basics of how to come up with a retort
Not a fair comparison at all. Americans allowed jewish owned slave traders to sell niggers as farm equipment/manual laborers.
Europeaners have no use for middle eastern islamics, other than to disrupt their society and eventually replace them.
Don't cry, nigga. xD He owned u.
Does this really exist ?
I knew food in the USA was bad , not much local fresh fruit n veg but that’s ridiculous!!
OK chang, back to the wet market with the other Fluvians
Whats the REAL difference between using this vs. fresh garlic? All this is, is fresh garlic that is dehydrated and powdered. Where does your pretentious notion that using this is in any way inferior? Why? Because it doesn't have water in it? That is the only difference. Shape and water content.
You take the water out of garlic and suddenly it causes massive waves of obesity.
Americans are a bit too busy to just go and chop up a raw onion and/or garlic clove, so, in a pinch, powdered onion and garlic will do.
Are you telling me that your country doesn't carry such products? Considering that McCormic is a multi-national company, I believe that you would be lying to me.
The U.S. DOES have Christmas markets. Chicago has a very good one. I suggest you copy and paste the information posted by before you start posting such ignorant bullshit ever again!
Sorry to inform you of this, but the jews had virtually nothing to do with the slave trade, but the CATHOLICS, and particularly The VATICAN DID. (Also The Anglican Church or Church of England were involved)
See my reply to OP over this particular subject matter.
There is plenty of fresh food. Garlic powder is just garlic without water retard. Whats wrong with that? Has all the same positive health effect as regular garlic, all the same nutrition, all the same everything. Its just powdered garlic. I don't get it.
Any kind of processing destroys a percentage of nutrients and vitamins. Hell, just chopping something and letting it dry does that to a lesser extent too. There's a reason fresh food is instinctively most appealing to a normal human.
I would like to use garlic powder, but after 1 use it immediately turns into a stone.
so I have to use fresh garlic...
>THere IS pLEnty of freSH fOOd. GaRLic PowDer IS JusT gARLIc wiThOut WAter reTArd. WHats WrOnG wItH thAT? HAs alL THe Same pOsitIVe HEALtH EFFecT aS REgULAr garliC, alL tHe sAmE NuTriTion, ALL the SAme EVERyTHing. Its JUst pOwDERed GaRLIC. i dON't get iT.
checked, faggot
Buy one big container of that and you're set for months. I might only use it once a week. If I buy an onion to use in my food, I'm going to be throwing away half an onion when it goes bad.
Sounds like a humidity problem.
it doesnt have all the health benefits, some of them come out when its processed into powder
Man, fuck you!
I nearly had something good. Quint thieving bastard.
Who told you dehydrating and powdering would have a significant impact on nutritional content? What are you? Fucking retarded? You know that for the majority of human history people in climates that can't grow food year round eat stored, preserved, and dehydrated food for half the year right?
All you did was put my response in green text. Thats not a refutation. Just making yourself look like a dumb ass.
Maybe an extremely negligible amount is lost but if you think it would be enough to matter then you are mistaken.
I use onion powder because I can't stand the "crunch" of fresh onion in my food. It's a texture thing. And if you saute it long enough to lose the crunch, it becomes too sweet to use in a lot of dishes.
As for garlic, I do use garlic powder in some dishes like the seasoned flour mix I use for frying chicken, but mostly I use minced garlic in a squeeze bottle that I keep in the fridge. Smells incredible when it's cooking.
You don't cook a whole lot, do you user?
You ought to expand your repetoire of recipes, bro.
They work better than fresh when you are making a rub for barbecue.
Because whole, or diced, minced etc. onions and garlic have a different texture, moisture content, cooking temp, and a more robust flavor. Sometimes you want just some onion or garlic flavor, but not have it be overwhelming.
I guess some faggot that constantly smells like onion, garlic, and sweat wouldn't understand.
Correction my fellow amerifag, we use it because we love to use it. Just like eurofags love to let islamic immigrants fuck their wives and rape their daughters and drive vans into christmas markets
>Maybe an extremely negligible amount is lost but if you think it would be enough to matter then you are mistaken
by that logic pic related is the same as a salad
Hey, americunts, when you wanna cook, first, ask to the Europeans. Coz we, Europeans invented food.
>leddit spacing
>pro jew
>crying for mods
yep it's time for you to go back user
Why garlic kills the jews? Is it true?
also updoot
You invented food huh, who do you think you are God?
Thats obviously more processed then simple dehydration, but you might unironically be correct. You cant tell simply by visual what the nutritional content in a meal is. That is retard logic.