I can't shake this feeling that I'm away from home. No matter where I go, no matter who I'm with...

I can't shake this feeling that I'm away from home. No matter where I go, no matter who I'm with, I'm never where I can belong.

I'm nostalgic for a place I've never been to. A place I'll never see. A place that doesn't exists. And damn, does it burn my soul.

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lol just be happy

What place is that user ?

what you walk on, what you breath and what you eat is available for you...this is your home

Fucking edgy queer. Grow up and go travelling or something

I don't know. Maybe it's heaven, or maybe it's not real at all. Not defined. Not theorized. Maybe it's no place at all.

It is, but it really isn't. There's something missing,

>Fucking edgy queer
Not trying to be edgy. Never said anything about stomping baby heads or some stupid tripe. I just have a lot on my mind and don't care to burden the people I care about.

I really thought this shit would go away when I got married, or when I had my son, but it's still here. Still a part of me..

I have that same feeling, except I know where I want to go, which is the past. I want to go back to my previous home where I can't live anymore and I wish I could have the life that I used to. I am also severely depressed and suicidal and on medication. I am not a mental health expert or anything, but to me it sounds like you're depressed. You should go talk to a psychologist about this.

>to me it sounds like you're depressed
I was diagnosed manic depressive at 16 years old.

Used to have a therapist but I don't have the time or cash any more.

I have a place like that too user it’s in your head

Why didn't you mention this in your post then you goddamn faggot. There you have your reason you're feeling this way. Go talk to your wife or friend or whoever else is close to or save money for some trips to the psychologist and fuck off out of here nig.

>fuck off out of here nig.
You don't have to be in this thread. You can leave at any time.

>Go talk to your wife or friend or whoever else is close
Can't really talk to the wife about it. Her self esteem's pretty bad and she'll blame herself.

>There you have your reason you're feeling this way
It's more than that user, but from the way you communicate it's obvious that you don't care to understand others.

>Why didn't you mention this in your post then you goddamn faggot
I'm not seeking attention or sympathy. I'm expressing.

Okay then fag do whatever you want. It's a free board. Sorry I came off as a judgementalfag. But you are a NIGGER. Just want to get that off my chest. Thank you.

Honestly, go to Japan or China. Its nostalgic but also sad. You'll see what I mean.

I've thought about the Slavic countries, but Japan and China seem pretty bad off.

That's how I described depression, as a constant feeling of homesickness combined with the knowledge that "home" isn't a place I can ever go to.

material universe is illusion of senses. self created.

>self created.
Self perceived, not self-created. Unless, of course, you just think everyone around you doesn't exist, which is a pretty narcissistic viewpoint.

thats something you should consider, taking into account:

everything is filtered through you.

you know you exist, but you can not prove anything outside of your self is real. because it isnt.

Yeah dude, you’re depressed. Maybe look into some professional help or counseling. Its helped me a lot over my life.

Don't worry, when you wake up from the simulation you'll truly be home.

You know, I was kinda interested in OP’s topic since I experience the same thing, but to a lesser degree. But you’re just shitting up this unique thread. An hero immediately

Take a dmt trip. I think it would reconnect you to your higher self.

>greentexts id's

autism not depression

see......its difficult to see......but 'it' didnt help you.......you helped you. it was you who desired some result & made it happen

Same here, user..

user you will be there when you give up trying to be something
Just be dude start enjoying this temporary illusionary place
This feeling hiareth is trying to get you out of your old motives. Start enjoying this place and you will find you missing home

>This feeling hiareth is trying to get you out of your old motives.

It's early psychosis. I know what you're talking about

>early psychosis
That mean it's developing or that it's low-grade?

OP is transgender