Reality show star as president, kardashians, moms serving Chef Boyardee to their children...

Reality show star as president, kardashians, moms serving Chef Boyardee to their children, Disneyland as the greatest touristc attraction, fast food as food culture... Awesome country, boy.

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better than your third world shit hole


How much do you earn per mouth?

roughly 7k before taxes, i am a programmer

seethe and dilate

And yet we dominate the world, be mad Euro fag

>Reality show star as president, kardashians, moms serving Chef Boyardee to their children, Disneyland as the greatest touristc attraction, fast food as food culture... Awesome country, boy.
You sound like a jealous faggot. Our leader practically cant be corrupt, we have food on nearly every street, DisneyWorld is fucking amazing, chef boyardee what? Why do you care what we eat chinaman?

Sounds like someone had their visa application denied

"We"? You probably work at Burger King, asshole.

I promise, we're not all morons here in the US

Not a corrupt is the minimum, not a thing to feel proud of it. Dianeyland is cheesy, plastic, dystopic and low entertainment for the dumb. Your mothers serve fast, frozen or.canned food as dinner...

>Reality show star as president, kardashians, moms serving Chef Boyardee to their children, Disneyland as the greatest touristc attraction, fast food as food culture... Awesome country, boy.

Sounds like a new verse to we didn't start the fire.

Section 8, you jealous?

Try again when you put a man on the moon.

You didn't do that.

> (You)
>Not a corrupt is the minimum, not a thing to feel proud of it. Dianeyland is cheesy, plastic, dystopic and low entertainment for the dumb. Your mothers serve fast, frozen or.canned food as dinner...
This is the weakest criticism of my great country

Hamburgers as a national dish... Fuck your visa and fuck.your country: never wanted to spend one night at Kardashian Nation...

Death central.

"My great country" = works at Walmart.

Mother fucker, our national dish is apple pie.
>American as apple pie

I work at a ranch

Define ‘dominate’


Seeing a lot of trolling keyboard bandits lately. More than usual. It’s a distraction... but from what?

In hindsight it's amazing how long they managed to convince the rest of the world their politics and their entertainment industry are two separate things.

Yeah we did.

Most covid infections.

*drops mic*

I meant you in particular. Trying to ride the coat tails of success while contributing nothing to it.

The only thing i find hilarious is that they think USA is a staple of righteousness and democracy. They have as many prisoners as north korea, reinvented slavery, intalled dictators in foreign countries and hasnt had a single uncorrupt president.

Oyyyyy.. Get a load of this goy.

>mfw another foreigner absolutely obsessed with the usa makes a post

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This is American "culture"
prove me wrong

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What is your opinion of china these days?

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Are you tired of winning yet?

So much WIN!

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