>only post what you lost to!
>only post what you lost to!
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh I lost alright. I lost my fucking will to live reading that dumb shit.
Actual true story inbound
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down
AHAHHAHAHAHAH not that shit again
What episode of Drake and Josh had them smuggling a passed out loli?
God damn it Schneider
don't know if i'm not getting the point or this is just not funny
it's an old copypasta thats very shitty and unfunny, once you see it a couple of times you'll start laughing too
thought so, thanks for clarifying
>once you see it a couple of times you'll start laughing too
No. I've hated it since the beginning.
Man i feel old, i would have gone with weekend at Bernies.
I lost.
Its been cycles for me, laughed, the didnt, laughed a lot, hates it, now i give it a slight chuckle
That's why you filter it.
Filter out "tryingyoholdbacklaughter.jpg" "traps" "geeeeey" " diaper" "trans" "trap" "blacked" "BBC" and "Jasiri". You'll have a much better browsing experience here.
lol same
why bro
Because there's no joke. No punchline. A joke is supposed to have a twist ending that you weren't expecting. There's no twist here. Exactly what he says is going to happen happens.
yeah bro but its like reading a comment that says: "kys" randomly on a serious post its fucking hilarious.
Then it's twice as dumb, because it's always posted on YLYL threads, which are awesome.
yeah but a joke doesn't have to be a fucking mind twisting super twist no one expected it's a movie. Sometimes a joke is the whole punchline without the actual punchline if that makes any sense?
lol what
what a faggot
actual true story in bound
04/29/20(Wed)06:29:20 No.826448733
(OP) #
Oh I lost alright. I lost my fucking will to live reading that dumb shit.
this should be illegal to draw and post
A different example, numbnuts.
fuck off loser