Seriously FUCK nurses, in every sense of the world. Pretentious, impatient, hideous goblinas 90% of the time...

Seriously FUCK nurses, in every sense of the world. Pretentious, impatient, hideous goblinas 90% of the time. They're even mean to little fucking children with ear infections and other painful shit. They claim men whine and scream in pain more than women, but that's funny since every time me or a family member has had an ER visit, the only people I hear screaming or crying are women.

They treat you like human garbage if you need morphine for any reason, even though a good amount of them are fucking addicts and smokers themselves.

They act like literal superheroes that deserve Medals of Freedom because they can change bedpans and give injections.

When I needed stitches, a nurse didn't even touch me, a fucking paramedic did all the work.

When I needed medicine prescribed, the Dr obviously did it.

When I needed an infection tested, laboratory staff did it.

When I needed a wound examined, a Dr did it.

When I needed xrays done, a radiologist did it.

When I needed an appointment made, a receptionist did it.

When I needed my bloody puke cleaned off a floor, the janitor did it.

What did a nurse ever do for me? Bitch at me for requesting something to help with the pain of breaking all 5 toes on my left foot and several lacerations on my left shin, and then give me Tylenol.

Fuck nurses

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>every sense of the world

Stale pasta

I'll take this post with a grain of salt as my sister is a nurse

She's a whiny bitch I though

hoes mad

Hell yeah. I’ve worked in healthcare for ~6 years. I’ve had a VERY wide range of jobs In healthcare and I can say without a doubt, that the vast vast majority of nurses should fucking rot in hell. They act like they’re saving the world and they deserve a fucking medal for it. They went to school and they had a placement at a hospital. They knew exactly what they were getting themselves into, but they still act like whiny cunts who need to have their fucking legs chopped off. I fucking HATE nurses with a burning passion. I work side by side with them and I’ve only met a very very small amount of nurses who actually enjoy their job and who want to help people. The other 99% are there for the pay check and for the recognition of being a nurse. Fucking loser waste of skin subhumans, nurses are. Even some of my friends are nurses and they’re sooo fucking annoying. Just complain complain complain bitch bitch bitch about everything. Fuck I hate nurses soooo fucking much. People need to stop celebrating them for doing their fucking job, just like people need to stop fucking clapping when the pilot lands the god damn plane.

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nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8

This. Been proven nurses are whores. They are good at wiping asses though.

alright ya little dork. Prepare to have your world flipped upside down.
A paramedic is just a nurse who works outside the hospital.
The person who filed ur rx? Nurse. Lab tests? Nurses took the blood and ur paperwork.
Examined? A nurse looked at it and put you in the order of urgency to see the doctor.
Xrays? So a non medical professional pushed a button. Whoopdedoo.
When you needed an appt the secretary pulled up files filled by your nurses.
Pick up your own puke you excuse of a snowflake.

Fiancé is a Filipino nurse. What am I in for?

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Somebody should kill some nurses forthwith

>Male nurse

>No passion for job

Expect paychecks to be spent on pointless indulgences

She's female, you're right about no passion though.

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Why didnt she go to med school?

Family funded her older brother's education but not hers, couldn't afford it.

Then you will pay for it

I'm a poorfag, she doesn't want anything material from me.


Fuck you for being illiterate son

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Is it because I didn't say Filipina, or what? She calls herself Filipino.

weak bait mate

Kys degrnerate

Yeah that and when referring to a "female you will get married to someday" is fiancee with two e's


pRoFiLeS iN cOuRaGe: big man spent two months at golf course instead of reading briefings

Stale b8 mate

Racemixer degenerate

If you grew up around British women, you'd understand too.