How can someone who looks like this kill herself? Wasn't her life supposed to be on easy mode?

How can someone who looks like this kill herself? Wasn't her life supposed to be on easy mode?

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You’re painfully stupid OP

Proves that all the looks makeup money , creams , jewellery, non of it makes you happy .

You know how sometimes a video game sucks and playing it on easy mode doesn't make things any more interesting? That's how.

Why do I only get Turkish links?

nice ass post more

this. She looks pretty Aryan to me

Playing on easy mode is not equal with having fun from playing.
Also, there are many other factors, like mental illness that goes into the mix


Maybe she thought easy mode included unlimited respawns

And apparently she was retarded, so not really a surprise.

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Because we live in a world where being insecure as a girl = hot. When she puts that mask on her face she gains confidence and becomes a different person, often acting differently than without it. But some don't get to express how the actually are and realize everybody is attracted to the mask and not their real version, thus over time harbor negative emotions.
The moment I put makeup I get labeled a tranny soyboy faggot meaning I don't have to wear makeup. The moment a girl puts makeup she's 10/10 would bang I'M COOOMING which enabled her to hide herself in order to get a boost in her market value. What the fuck is wrong with people?

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stupidity doesn't care about attractiveness

So if my peepee gets hard, does that make me a genius?

>Oh no, I'm not gonna be able to go out and be a thot for several months. My life has no purpose anymore

Easy mode was still too difficult

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Hey, I had sex with her.

t. I'm a coroner

imagine being that much of a social attention whore. that you cannot take a few weeks of inner reflection from solitude. And the result isn't making yourself a better person. but your deep thoughts are "i should kill myself". Wow......pretty profound way to look at what you have been up to for all that time, until that moment.

Incels like you made her life hell. You faggots need to grow up and take responsibility for what you say and do.
Fucken little asshole incels btfo muh b.

Yeah how the fuck could you end your life with that little decision and something that really isn’t that big

She did have it on easy mode. She just also wasn't going to be able to win at that.


You're trying to slam a revolving door.

Incels exist because women feel they should be sexually promiscuous, act like whores and degenerates all while making excuses for themselves to justify it.
Stop larping as some white Knight and making excuses on behalf of someone you have never met.
Your opinion is baseless, much is mine.
You have no moral high ground here or any basis for being taken seriously


she was hot enough, she could have used that ass to make ALOT of money off instagram and the like

She could have went into nearly any office and instantly got a job.

Shut up faggot as if she probably didn’t even know what an incel was and even if she did what a petty thing to kill your self. Shut up as if her life was hard she a 19 year old. And how would incel affect her at all that doesn’t even make sense, she killed herself due to covid-19 she obviously can’t deal with any stress if she can’t deal with a couple weeks of isolation.

Lost my grandma 2 weeks back to covid sadly

She was technically a tard.

Which may explain the odd train of thought.

Taken from an article:

>"Owen had been diagnosed with “high-functioning autism” four years ago and struggled to fit in, her sister said."

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I feel for you user. Grandmas are the shit

The article I read said she liked to choke herself, and when she was found she was "nude from the waist down".. maybe autoerotic asphyxiation? Perhaps just needed a bf :S

Any game on the easiest settings isn't worth playing.

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Probably diagnosed by a simp male doctor who wanted to give her neetbux
Struggled to fit 3 dicks in

Dumb normie bitch who killed herself because her holiday with the girlies got cancelled

are u a philosophy wizard?