Covid 19 will disappear in 2-3 weeks. The virus has been contained in china and it has peaked in europe and us too. The number of daily cases is decreasing rapidly. The measures taken by the governments are working well and we will be able to return to our normal lives in 2-3 weeks.
Covid 19 will disappear in 2-3 weeks. The virus has been contained in china and it has peaked in europe and us too...
More like months and years , variants could be about for even longer . It’s about to mutate again ..
you should post this somewhere like Facebook instead so all your friends and family can laugh at you and then constantly bring it back up in a few weeks time when nothing has changed except the US death numbers going up up up
It's predicted that US numbers will be somewhere around 60k. Way less than originally predicted 100k
So what does that tell you about their predictions?
That they're doing much better than originally predicted.
It's 60k right now tard. Might wanna use common sense once in a while.
And the number of cases and deaths is dropping. It will be around 65k
you gonna stop sucking that dick when it breezes past 60k towards 100k in the next few days?
Or that they're fucking shit at predicting because the US are at 60k already
But they predicted that there will be more than 100k deaths. We're doing much better.
tells me that Stay at Home restrictions are slowing down the spread somewhat.
That doesn't mean we should drop the restrictions though because then it won't be fuckin slow for long
it's not finished yet so how about you don't make your own idiotic predictions and end up looking like a tool
I bet I know what happened here.
OP posted this originally thinking they were going to nail the prediction.
Then when they realised they'd fucked up badly they just kept posting it thinking it's a meme.
Nice try OP
Idk what your therapist told you to make you fuck off but nothing's slowing down. Maybe your brain is but that's about it.
yeah but
it's just the right-wing's latest meme to blast on repeat
unlike previous efforts this one can be easily and effortlessly dismissed by just waiting a few more days and weeks to see how wrong they are
They have been able to shout down facts before but it's prob not gonna work this time
There is no cure. Catching it once doesn’t give you immunity. Like polio it’s never going away until a cure is invented. This is the truth they don’t want you to know.
I understand that covid19 has now killed more Americans than the Vietnam war , and that took 9 years .
Not even started yet !!
Only the piss poor food system kills more than that -
Millions dying from the corrupt food system , food and agriculture policies corrupted by money and lobbies that have caused the biggest global crisis . Obesity and food related chronic diseases climate change poverty violence ( yes bad food causes that too ) educational gaps , and more ..
The hidden crisis is food and agriculture.
Look it up .
They also don't want you to know that 99% of people have no symptoms and Covid 19 for them is not worse than regular cold.
China where they just locked down a city of 10 million. Where they aren't letting people go to doctors to get treated to keep numbers down. Contained indeed.
But everyone (with a brain) does know that - they also know that 1% of your population all seriously ill at the same time overwhelms your healthcare system (even in countries with proper healthcare) so that they are unable to prevent a lot of deaths from Covid and also other things which would normally be handled fine.
It's not a fucking mystery, the only mystery is how your average Americans got so fucking stupid in the last few decades to the point where they don't understand any of this at all and just parrot nonsensical Republican talking points
China where they just locked down a city of 10 million people. China who are not letting people go to the doctors to get treated to keep the numbers down. Contained indeed.
It's a fucking flu u retards. God damn, gtfo of here with your normie views. Do u feel woke if you keep saying this is the plague? This is the new polio? Do u feel like something grand is at last happening in ur boring comfy lives , so u keep overblowing this so u can pat urselfes on the back? This just goes to show that u eat all the shit that the media feeds you for their own benefits. I'm not going to dwelve into conspiracy theories, I'm talking about facts. More people die from the flu than from this shit. Between 500 000 and 1000 000 people die annualy from the flu, and corona has only taken 200 000 lives so far. People are losing jobs and having their lives ruined beacuse u fuckers are scared from a little cough, just because the media told you to be scared. Why are they doing this to us? Idk, that would be a conspiracy theory and I would need more facts to make accusations, but the fact is that this is overblown and you can suck my dick
Second wave in coming. I have heard from a person I trust and who has seen twenty cases of people who have died that this shit can fuck your respiratory system up real good if you get it. I think they are under reporting deaths in the news. The CCP made this shit to kill.
I’m from Sweden what is Coronavirus.
Don’t reply with facts like saying we’re doing worse per million habitants than the US.
Or that the Danish are doing better. because of their lower death rate Here in Sweden I’m having parties with my blonde girls, and it doesn’t feel at all like we are partying with matches in a place with gasoline all over us and about to set the roof on fire.
I guess you're the only one smart enough to figure it out huh? the entire world is playing a prank but Chuck here in his mommas basement figured it out because his brain grew 300% from nofap
nice post, you gonna keep revising your numbers upward as the weeks and months go by?
you dumbass the growth is exponential, the decrease is polynomial at best
In Sweden is the the other way around. This is since we are pure white and higher race. That’s what you get for your multiculturalism America and rest of the west.
Sweden has more deaths per 1m people than America does. Germany is doing good job, Sweden is not.