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I'll help out since I am a depressed degenerate who is struggling with online college classes because all my profs are fucking retards who have managed to double, if not tripple, my workload.

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sounds kinda shit

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mmm feets
yeah it does. I don't wana say exactly which school I go to. It's a patriot league school so it's prestigious or whatever but I kinda have imposter syndrome and I suffer from major motivational issues. I get distracted easily as of late and have a hard time actually putting time into work despite being able to do so for years.

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here's some more porn to make up for my dumb rant.

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any tips for me or should I just shut up and keep dropping goodies?

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i got motivational issues too and a very short fuse so if something gets on my nerves ill completley ignore it good thing i dont have to go to school anymore

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got some quality paw stuff?

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>prestigious or whatever
University is mostly a joke and just puts you into debt, unless your parents are rich and stupid enough to think spending massive amounts of money for schooling makes much difference in life.

Yeah just be like me and dropout because life is all bullshit and a lie lmao. But nah, just keep at it and don't give up. I dreamed of going to MIT for aerospace engineering as a kid, but I was born into a pretty poor family, and had to accept that fact that being brilliant doesn't really mean a damn thing, nor school in general. Do what you can and don't screw around if someone is paying that much money for your schooling.

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I dropped out of high school, that is. I'll go to community college for automotive engineering sooner or later, get certified, work a bit, then possibly go to a university for aerospace engineering later down the line if I decide I want more of a challenge than just doing car shit. Either way, school is gay.

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nothing too good, mostly boonked shit from reddit.
Yeah, that sounds like me.

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it's more of a connections thing. I already have a job basically lined up. Just need to kick the depresso and stop drinking espresso. Also im a nicotine addict but not because I enjoy it, I actually quit for almost a year and came back to it for online classes because it creates artificial anxiety which makes me do work.

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Drugs can definitely make life harder, I know that all too well. At least you aren't a speed freak on Adderall every day lol. I smoke about 1/3 of a cigarette every 1-2 weeks, not a big fan in general but takes the edge off life and helps me focus on my music and get creative. Caffeine ain't bad though, I'm definitely a caffeine addict too. As long as you aren't agitated and anxious all the time and sleeping well enough I don't see the problem, it's one of the safer and more beneficial drugs.

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I don't really sleep. Work gets pushed until later, when my 'oh fuck' senses kick in and I actually start work.

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I go through about a juul pod a day maybe more if I have a big exam in the morn.

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Then you should cut back on caffeine and nicotine, stress yourself less, and try to get sleep.

Well I've never tried a juul, but that seems a bit excessive. You should try to rely a bit less on substances or you'll continue to feel terrible. This is coming from a guy who's abused a lot of drugs in a period of 2 years.

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i know. i'm working towards it. Semester ends sometime next week, final exams. Then hopefully I can get outside, go fishing more and kick this poison,

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Nice man, good luck! Fishing will be a breath of fresh air, heh.

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thank's for the pep talk, I'm going to bounce, I have some work to do :)

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