Fags didn't restart the last one. It's a loli thread. We're just here to enjoy some hot lolis, so let's not get Yas Forumsitical, eh?
Fags didn't restart the last one. It's a loli thread. We're just here to enjoy some hot lolis...
Other urls found in this thread:
Dubs has spoken.
I like this style
Before I was 10 a girl who i think was around 14 molested me and had me touch her.
The next time it happened with a girl closer to my age we almost had sex we were naked and I was laying on top of her.
My grandma fucking ruined it and for whatever reason the kids kept leaving after a few months. I later found out most of the reasons they left were because the kids were doing sexual shit to each other so they got moved around a lot. My mom took care of foster kids so I had generally an endless stream of little girls my age or older being way too sexual with me. It was not until I was much older did I realize how vulnerable these girls were. Some did everything but ask for it (I was still under 18 and always about the same age so fuck you glow niggers) I genuinely feel like this is what caused me to like loli. What has even messed with me more was that when the girls acted all sexual my parents brushed it off as them playing. At the time i didn't know it but the best time of my life was when I had 3 lolis under the covers will be kissing me and hugging me. Sadly I was too young to really understand that I really could take advantage of the situation.
I met one of the girls like basically a decade later and she got fat,ugly, and ghetto. This really was the golden time and I do worry about how kids get abused in this system.
where did you get this one
I got that from a thread two days ago
Same with this one.
52GB of god tier loli games (jp)
Listen i can understand the appeal of of 12 year old girls and above, it starts to get shady for me below that but newborns and toddlers? Fucking newborns and toddlers? How the fuck can you get off to this shit? I know this is Yas Forums but fuck me.
>muh it's just a drawing.
It is not the fact that it is a drawing it is the fact of what it is a drawing of, it does not matter what you say, you are attracted to the fact that it is a toddler and you can't say that it is not because you would be bullshiting yourself. You are fucking a ultra-pedophile in denial and you know it. i can understand the attraction to older girls, but fucking toddlers and newborns? how can anyone look at that and get a hard on? it is a fucking baby for Christ sake, you couldn't have just been a normal peofag oh no you had to take it 10 steps further, i know this has just turned into an autistic rant now but i will never understand how ANYONE can be attracted to something so young besides mental illness. 12 year olds? sure perhaps even 10 years olds in most extreme cases but fucking newborns? never, never in a million fucking years.
Your pasta tastes like shit. Try some tomato sauce next time.
somebody who works in a kindergarten said me that toddlers masturbate with objects. sex is somethink latent when you born
we should meditate and find the truth over the tabu and stigma.
No, don't eat the pasta, it's covered in diarrhea.
>10 yo is fine
this pedofag
ok, I will take care of that lmao
No, stop, it's just shit-marinated pasta
I agree. I'd rather fuck a 1st grader than be labeled as a degenerate.
this is the best poop philosophy
test post, please ignore
This game is translated now?!! SEND
Sometimes fucking me made my father very happy. And sometimes it made him very angry. When I remember the day in the bathtub, I can only see it either from above, watching the two of us, or from my father’s perspective. I see the terrified girl. She’s moving in the bathwater to get away from him. But there is nowhere to go. The tub is so slippery it is hard to move, and the water sloshes about when she does. He is furious and he is lunging down at her while she cries and sloshes around in the bathwater. The water is full of blood. She is in a bath of blood. Her own blood. He did it again to her, went up into her too far, fucked her too hard and made her bleed. It made him angry. I will kill you if you tell anyone. “I will kill you I will kill you I will kill you.”