Sad/Depressing battlestations

Sad/Depressing battlestations

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i've always wondered, is that a shit bucket?

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dude straight up hacked a street lamp

nothing depressing about that

I used to live in squalor like this. So glad I grew outta that. I was such a pig. Living like that is sad .

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These aren't sad or depressing. They're just people living like absolute slobs. Poverty is no reason to just have shit everywhere.

Well depression can make you not wanna clean

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i wonder wtf is in that pc that needs a corsair 1000w psu

This is actually impressive. I’d have colour-matched it with one of them black faced ones, but shit.

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It's called a neckbeard nest

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literally cyberpunk

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OG Wallpeper

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That cup of coffee looks great.

Any bets any of them had real depression? Feeling sad because your life is shit isn't depression. Being a slob because you're a lazy fuck isn't depression either.

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hard to gauge

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We all had humble beginnings.

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Oh mama

Jesus fucking christ

a lot of these feel distinctly "Soviet" or eastern European.. ??

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This is a quality thread thank you so much for these images. I actually am starting a collection of disgusting and weird battle stations. Why is it that so many of these are older with CRTs?

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Typical r9k poster

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the keyboard...'s buried...

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My room last year looked like this. I used to work as a freelancer, now I got a remote job that allowed me to improve myself

Cyberpunk 2077. I'll never be him and that makes me sad