Living with parents

living with parents

How come so many millennial "men" still live at home with their parents? How are they not embarrassed?

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Ok boomer

idk what millennial men is but I know who I was, addict. and because of addiction to drugs I've been only thinking about getting money + drugs so yeah I got past that by killing you niggers soon any day now

Millennials aren't embarrassed by anything. That's why we have all this pc faggot shit about these days

Just what exactly do you think a millennial is?

it's called tribe newfag

Pretty simple- schools don't teach shit about planning your future, and teach even less about finances. My nieces are in high school and I've set them up with investment accounts. Showed them the numbers and how if they keep at it, they'll be retired 20 years before their friends.

Always someone else's fault. That is so rare for a millennial

Sorry, gen x here

Because boomers ruined the economy and stole all jerbs

Nope, they'll probably lose it all due to economic crisis

There's 3. The oldest, I am sure will spend it after...well, if... she graduates. The middle one, I am sure will keep at it and do well. The youngest... no idea at this point. But I did what I could so it's on them now. I know I taught them more about finances than they'll get in high school.

And I've made quite a bit of money since the beginning of March. Even people who stood pat on their investments made back a lot of what was lost.

Millennial men all want to eventually fuck their mothers. That's why they ask for tips and advice on Yas Forums how to do it.

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Fuck. I'm 24 and live with my mom, younger siblings, and my fiancee lmao. Shit kinda sucks but it's almost impossible to get our own place. It's way easier to help my mom with the rent and bills and just chill here. I'm just thankful my ma and fiance get along.

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Western governments, mainly under democrat control, but republicans allow it too, have been allowing billionaires to outsource jobs and bring in illegal labor, for decades. Be wary though, you are considered racist, if you are against it.

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i'm broke as fuck nigga

what, you gonna give me some more money on top of my shitty paycheck to pay rent on an apartment? oh wait, i can't get approved for a decent apartment because i'm not salaried at a high enough rate.

fuck off

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It's not uncommon at all for adult offspring to live with their parents in many parts of the world.

What's for din din ? Tendies? Reeeeeeee!!!!!

I was taught all that in school. Taxes, bank accounts, budgets. Putting it to use is a different story

Technically u still might be a millennial

Just keep contributing. Try to stack up the best u can also.

Illegals aren't the problem. You wouldn't do their jobs anyways.

There's a world recession coming, if you live in a heavily covid affected country.

Join the club user

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Mostly because I'm chronically depressed and have been suicidal feeling since a kid with nothing but failed relationships and "friends" who make me feel mostly like they only keep me around because they need a emotional punching bag or that they are being nice to the special needs kid. In all cases I'm never the cool one or the one with the good ideas or fun or anything else. Every aspect of my life I can be replaced so fucking easily my existence truly doesn't matter.

So with that, why would I have any motive to try any more? I just haven't decided how to end this pathetic excuse for a life I have and am to much of a coward fag to do it.

We can't afford to move out. Now go catch meme flu and fucking die you stupid boomer

Checked and hope all the best for you
t. Also 24

Feels man. I've been there and come out the other side. I still feel it from time to time, but you have to try.

Too expensive. And trust me i fucking hate it here but i cant justify giving up half my income to a slumlord to sleep in a roach infested studio, while still keeping up with other financial responcibilities. Not too mention all the affordable housing in the nicer areas of my city are marked as female only

Lived at home until 25, most girls didn't care. I didn't care until I hooked up with this girl who was older and had her shit together. It didn't work out because she couldn't take me seriously but it got me to finally move out and get a new car. I guess we all have to grow up sometime.

I'm I used to think like that but it got me no where. You have to live for yourself even if it seems like you don't have support. Life's what you make it and if you don't try to make it better nothing will happen and you'll be stuck in the spot forever.

i don't work and i have my own place.... i'm also not a retired boomer

>you'll be stuck in the spot forever.
you gonna die one day, and all the fuckers that move from spot to spot will die too. i see no diff