why do retards believe 5g is the cause of the wu flu
Why do retards believe 5g is the cause of the wu flu
because America is the plague of the Earth
Keyword is retards
It might not be the cause of wufluping but I am curious about what effects it does have on the human body
I think they're just bored teens causing them hell
Tell me something you haven't told anyone before
China spreading misinformation so that western companies don't develop 5g before then. Just look at how they're forcing European countries to take their 5g shit in return for cheaply made medical supplies.
why do retards believe vaccines are mind control? why do retards believe jets causing pressure changes 'creating' clouds is actually chem trails drugging everyone?
why do retards believe fluoride is mind control then whine about how many cavities they have?
the answer to all of these is because you can't fix stupid
all of these
5g is like gluten in the sense that it's something that's been around for years but new shit keeps getting added to it. That is because the "reasoning" isn't "I have reviewed the evidence and have concluded from that 5g is dangerous" it's "5g is mysterious and I don't know what's going on with it. It's government owned and the government has done bad things, therefore 5g MUST be bad."
5g is like aspartame where it been studied to hell and back and no matter how much you explain it to smooth brains they go "YEA I DUNNO". 5g is the frequency weather radar uses
>studied to hell and back
Sorry sweaty, but corporate funded media campaigns and "research" and bribery/lobbying don't really account for much given the other skeevy shit other companies have done.
case and point. your post
You can't add new shit to radio frequencies. Radio is non-ionizing radiation, the worst it can do is heat your skin, like infrared, or burn your face off if you decide to climb a transmission tower and stick your head up to the transmitter.
Lol, people actually believe fluoride is mind control? The real issue with fluoride is that it competes with calcium in your body, and can make your bones weaker. Fluoride isn't a magical mineral that prevents cavities, basic dental health is.
So is this what the great pro-5g talking point to detract from anti-5g people is going to be? That they're all idiots who think it causes corona and certainly not sensible people concerned about its dangerous radiation.
>dangerous radiation
better not go near an airport those doppler radars are giving everyone cancerrrrrr!!!! XD
They're paranoid people whose fears derive from a sensible question: "If radio waves are radiation, aren't they bad for you?" If they looked into it, they'd realize that radio waves are basically harmless, like infrared. Just be careful with older microwave ovens because if they aren't shielded properly, they can leak microwaves which can heat your eyes and cause cataracts.
It's been well-known in the scientific community for years that our current energy emissions, not even 5g yet, are beyond the point where there are no effects on our bodies.
The above guy basically confirmed my question.
Well what are the harmful effects, then? Can you list any?
In time, yes.
Like, in 10 minutes after you google stuff? Or in 10 years when the effects are presumably well-documented?
n n n n niiiigaaaaaaaa
kek a doodle doo i luv u
i made nother poist for us, come visit
hi you guys sorry for n word
was not meaning to be mean
just trolling Yas Forums like n n n n nigggga and all that
made new post, come say hello
Mainstreame media said that we said 5g causes wuflu
We never said that
We just said 5g is what is really making people sick
Why do retards think that others think that 5G itself causes COVID?
also op, 5g towers comes at the same time as you call "wuflu"
ummm put it together...sadly this is the world we arwe in
Guess it's the latter. Welp, this thread is dead. Good night, bitches
Animal Crossing: New Horizons came at the same time as "wu-flu", put it together... This is what you sound like. Corellation does NOT equal causation.
um ok, OP, look....understand....
WU-FLU - 2020
5G - 2020
nothing before this, and chinese tearing down 5g towers after flu....yes, see?
come say hi to me in new thread. id like to say hi
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