What Happened to Video Games?
What Happened to Video Games?
You know exactly what happened.
that kinda looks like my ex. not gonna lie. she was a broad shouldered woman, but never said no to the D.
>cherry picking
SJWs and feminazis infiltrated video game companies.
lighting looks better. proportions look better. shaders look better. character can do more than shoot and jump.
This is true. Same for comics and now movies. We got porn still..
Made more realistic
Certainly never did to me, you POS cuck.
We got porn still
For now
Sorry you only attract goblinas bro.
That boy likes cock
Bitch please. The only person you've ever fucked is your dad.
Would've been funnier if you had said:
>The only bitch you've ever fucked was your dad
Zoomer poofters.
I'm glad there's enough old games that I can play from PS1, PS2 and other old consoles that I don't worry about it much. It would be nice if modern games weren't cucked, but to do that would be similar to going on a shooting spree. Failure to bow to the social justice warriors is basically career and/or life ending for the people involved. Instead of going on a shooting spree, white people should sacrifice themselves for video games and release something uncucked. Too bad I'm not skilled at anything involved in videogame development. Maybe I'll dedicate the last years of my life to developing some skills and writing a story and then just accepting the life destruction from SJWs. I'm planning on killing myself anyways
>What Happened to Video Games?
SJW's screaming for diversity
did you unironically say feminazi lmao kys
Why not scream back at them?
Twitter niggers
Games with a bitch or nigger protagonist are propaganda social engineering.
dude, have you picked up a comic book lately? it’s a fucking disaster. everybody’s gay.
Poofter zoomers like this dickhead.
Not since I was 10. Don’t consume shit tier entertainment, bro. You’re better’n that.
You've still fucked your dad
>dragon age
>mass effect
>even fucking hearthstone redid artwork FIVE YEARS AFTER THEY RELEASED THEM to change artwork on cards/avatars with boobs
Because freedom of speech and freedom from oppression only counts if your opinion is the same as their's.
Did you mean to respond to me?
Why not do the same thing back to them?
Fucking morons pushing for realism in their games, who unironically get rock hard when someone says that you can die at full strength to a hobo with a dagger if they hit you right.
fuck you, I like comic books. or at least I used to. you do have a point though - comic books should in some way appeal to that 10 year old inside us ... not to the SJW who wants to piss on everything we used to like.
Why do you need books that reflect your hatred and fear based mentality? Why do you want to exclude people?
The Obama administration happened. It ruined pretty much everything good in the world with the pussification of America and allowing the snowflakes to rule the world.
Checked! And I dunno, maybe. The joke would've be juvenile, regardless
I know right? Fucking retards wanting realism in video games, what's that about? Shit, it's a video game so they can add fried chicken, Michael Jordan and Tom Brady if they wanted it, into every fucking game. No one can complain because it's vidya right?
>Why do you want to exclude people
Shut up, faggot. White people are having a discussion.