Tell me, user, are you a boob bro or an ass man?

Tell me, user, are you a boob bro or an ass man?

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I consider myself an ass man.

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Tittays. Erry dayy all day.

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Pussy patrician.

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আমি ভগবান,
ঘুরি দিকবিদিক
মেয়েদের ঐ সাদা পুটকিই যে
আমার পিনিক।।


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Can't beat a good set of boobs!

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you got that right.

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Tits are good but I am an ass man. My favorite ass pic btw.

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Here's another. My stepmom's ass. This was sent to me a few years ago "by accident". Been fapping to it since.

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I recently had an awakening and I fucking grew to love big ol fucking milkers. However, one thing that is set in stone is that I will always remain loyal to my fellow ass brethren.

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Someone tribute this ass for me please.

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Best type of tits, just massive ones, love

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Boobs by far...butts are gross...people shit out of those things...boobs make delicious healthful milk...asses make shit

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Ah, a good United States citizen.

Tits are nice, but remember: A nice ass can make up for small boobs, but nice tits can never make up for a flat ass.

110% fact right here

You can't make me choose just one.

Too bad, you lost the game, user.

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Pear is not a natural shape for a woman. I'd much rather have a 44-28-34 woman than a 34-28-44 woman.

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i prefer a nice ass or big titties, but i'm not obsessed with it to the point of being a faggot that can only fap to asses

N cup or above. Anything less might as well be a cardboard box. I love my women to be near immobile from their massive hanging macromastia breasts where their udders weigh them down and inhibit them to do daily activities.

As long as it has a cunt, I'll fuck it

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Tits. Also my ex

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i was expecting those milkers pour milk at some point.
source me up bro


Damn, nice!