A reminder that every single Apple product after his death is shit

> A reminder that every single Apple product after his death is shit.

Attached: steve_jobs_190408-800x450.jpg (800x450, 41.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Apple Watch best in class
>iPad best in class
>iPhone best in class
Poor fags reaching.

Attached: 3969A399-16E5-46A2-B79A-FC8DA5461861.jpg (320x240, 9.62K)

Just because idiots buy it doesn't make it best.


Shaddup, bitch!

Attached: quit crying.jpg (394x344, 16.61K)

OP here.

This user gets it. Phones were invented with two purposes, to call and text. And you're telling me you would buy a phone for 1000$ that has good camera and same shit OS?.Nothing changes when new Iphone gets released except megapixels for camera.

Apple makes excellent hardware. To say otherwise is pure tribalism.
Apple software is glitchy and and severely limits the freedom of the end user.
Apple marketing is the best in the industry. It has created a massive cult of personality over an electronic device.

Kek. Iphone isn't even the best brand of smartphones. It's on 3rd place behind Samsung and Huawei.

Steve Jobs had very little to do with actual product development. He was one of those big idea assholes, the Silicon Valley equivalent of a film producer.

Before too.

So you're saying If i have Iphone I'm one of cool kids. Lol.

If you have an iPhone, you use an mobile OS that accounts for 15% of the mobile market share. So what. Tribalism is for faggots.

I'll stick with Samsung.

Fuck that leftist prick. Stole Linux.

I used Motorola for a couple rounds, got the S4 and have been Samsung since. Just a personal preference.

For years, I thought Jobs was the bad guy and Gates was the good guy. I'm man enough to admit I was 100% wrong. And, I have not and will not ever use an iPhone.

Linux stole from Unix.

Steven jobs is the reason why your shitty phone has a shattered screen, he designed a computer Soo bad it failed 100% of the time if you used for long periods of time (apple 3) because he thought that it was ok to build a computer without a cooling system was ok, everything he cared about was looks not much else, an the apple products are just for people so far up their own asses they need a way to prove they are "superior" to everyone else by using "designer" tech

About the apple 3 youtu.be/Tpmk87YY4o0

I only respect this guy for reclaiming his company after his ass got kicked.

The Apple ][, Apple ][+, Apple //e, Apple //gs, and Apple //c did not have cooling fans. The Apple /// was a hot mess, but you're going to ignore the success of the 5 previous Apple computers? And the ones that followed? I'm a Samsung phone guy, I really hate Mac computers... but that's just personal taste. Tribalism is for faggots.

What an incredibly stupid thread. The poor people are venting. Hard to watch, actually.

Linux is open source

Flagship phones from all top manufacturers have similar pricing and features. Tribalism is for faggots.

The sky is blue. So?

Create a problem, sell a solution. Apple in a nutshell.

I just demand the best.

and everything before was stolen from xerox

Since Samsung have objectively better displays, I presume you have a Samsung S20+.Got it.

Every iPhone I’ve had has been stellar

Steve Jobs was the type of guy who could connect the dots on inventive thinking and knew how to sell the shit out of anything.
Even if some of what Apple sold was garbargle right out of the gate.
Jobs was also a fucking nightmare to work for, and he basically disowned his own daughter for years for the crime of being born against his wishes.

So, kind of a tool.
Genius business guy with people like the Woz who helped make Apple what it was, but by no means a person I would consider a great human being.
Also, that ugly-ass yacht. I mean, really Steve? Billions of liquid capital at your disposal, and that's the design you had a shipyard build out? Good Christ.

enjoy your chinese overlords you fucking shill

I can provide more reviews than this if you want. You won't like them, but I'll do it if you want.

Yeah, mostly agree... I also think that Apple was necessary to be where we are. He saw what the market wanted and delivered devices that consolidated technology in a very usable, albeit controlled, way. Without the iPhones and iPads, competition would not have come out with better products. From the iPod forward, Apple products were just refinements of existing technology. And that spurred other companies to do better.

Go watch Louis Rossman repair some Apple shit and you'd be amazed.
>2014 hardware in 2019 model
>fans blowing into side of case
>still bending
>6 year-old apps pretending to be new
>no-name Chinese components
>very little engineering
There is nothing they excel at and certainly not worth the money. One of the shittiest brands you can buy.

>Mentions S20
>user shows S10 review
whew, lad

Not him, but Linux stated that it shall remain open source and no one is to make any money off it.

Moto G6 here nigga. $150 and I can drop it, throw it on a bench full of drill bits and saw blades, smear it with grease, cleaners, solvents, and the fucker keeps going. If I do break it I'm only out buck fiddy. Applefags gasp when I drop it in the parking lot and I say, "It's fine, not an Apple".

I've been subbed to Louis for years. His major beef with Apple is the fact they fight independent repair and try to deny independents the repair information and parts channels that every other major manufacturer supplies.

His other beef is that Apple "genius" retards are trained to sell new equipment rather than repairing what's broke...often when it's a simple repair like a display cable coming loose.

Louis has said himself that Apple has some stupid engineering, but not much different from people like Dell, HP and others.

Who is he

Jesus, you're right, I fucked that all up. I'm more wasted than I thought. I'll try again, maybe.

not everything, they've released some ok phones

but the macintosh lineup has been ABYSMAL after he died, fucking overpriced disposable trash hardware

thank god for hackintoshing

Since Cook took over, everything other than the watch has been evolutionary instead of revolutionary. Apple has never created an entirely new product, but things like the first iPods, iPhones, and iPads were game changers. There were touch screen smart phones, MP3 players and tablets earlier, but Apple released products that were better, more unified, and easier to use.

As I said earlier, all this created an atmosphere of competition that made every camp consistently make better and better products. And the weak ones failed. As they should have. Blackberry, Windows phones, etc.