Why are people always so mean to fast food workers
Why are people always so mean to fast food workers
Never piss off the cook
because you're slow
Because lot's of people are too selfish to understand how their actions effect others.
I think it's frustration and hatred with themselves for being morbidly obese. They have no control with their own lives so they get some kind of feeling of it by abusing someone serving them. Retail employees get it too, especially walmart.
Because McDonald’s employees have the most basic job yet they still can’t get it right
That or they just don't care that their actions hurt others. Whenever I read about someone bring rude to a store clerk or waiter, I resolve to be extra nice and tip extra next time.
+You should feel sorry for them. But also put aids in their food ^.^
I’m not. I used to be one.
Because fast food workers are seen as talent-less, thus a lot of people feel superior to them.
Because you're all fucking retards who act like you can't understand basic fucking English and constantly get orders wrong. Then you wonder why nobody cares that your job is being automated.
i always tip at least 20 at mcdonalds, and clap for them once i've finished my meal
I have to feel superior.
I usually go to Steak n Shake where I can leave a nice tip.
Because they're all little dickhead faggots with shit insignificant existences. If the fry guy lit up I wouldn't piss on him to put him out
Why do Americans eat fast food?
Because people make fun of it in popular culture like films, gets across that its alright to bully or demonize people in low position, and doesn't address the hardships of such jobs.
Then add to the fact that humans for the most part are selfish and don't give a shit who or what they hurt.
Then there's the issue of people not seeing things from other people's poimt of view, and don't bother to, and have never had to have had to work such jobs to earn insight into it.
laziness, stupidity, it's perceived as cheap, although you could easily feed yourself for days with stuff bought from a grocery store
Because the human body naturally craves sugar, salt, and fat.
I used to work as a fast food worker. The joke was on whoever fucked with me because yes I fucked with the food. No I wouldn't spit in it I got more creative. The bottom of our fryer had never been cleaned and there was a half inch layer of green gel on the bottom.
who the fuck cares if their actions hurt others
all humans are pricks
stop pretending that we're above it all just because we can use words better than all the other monkeys in the world
we're just as tribal and vicious as chimps and you're not going to change that by being a fucking pussy and paying the entire daily wage of the guy who probably just spit in your food 3 minutes earlier
You have some real growing up to do. I only hope that you realize just how wrong and harmful thinking like that is, before it's too late.
Who you calling chimp nigger ?
Because they're fucking faggots. If people use a service, have a little respect for those doing you that service. I mean, fuck, how hard is it to say "Thanks". Better yet, if you've got nothing better to say, just keep your goddamn mouth shut.
I used to think walmart employees were dumb. Then i worked there and realized it's a calculated decision/acting. If people think your dumb they'll leave you alone, you get sick of having the same pointless conversations for the 1,200th time.
>easiest job in the world
>still fuck up constantly
>we're just as tribal and vicious as chimps
But we are smart enough to realize it.
If we have the brain power to not act like a bunch of barbaric chimps, why would we?
Even if the world would be more "free" that way, life would be fucking horrifying.
because no extra tar tar sauce like I always request EVER.
I’m nice as hell to the rare competent fast food employee but the problem is 99% of fast food employees are dumb niggers so it’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation
Because they think there's no consequence to it.
People are evil and will bully anyone they can. All that keeps them in line is fear of reprisal.
Of course, there are absolutely consequences to fucking with someone who handles your food. Obvious consequences. But people are stupid too.
So what do you do for a living that makes your existence significant?