What could white people possibly have to protest or complain about?
What could white people possibly have to protest or complain about?
fuck off carlin
niggers, spics, jews, kikes, chavs, engines, gooks, canadians lol idk
other white people apparently. I just wish the Karens would stfu.
So just filled with hatred? Why not just kill yourselves then?
you forgot sand niggers
You can't find good help these days.
I've had to fire almost a dozen house staff in the last month.
Not much, really. Shifty Jews, I guess. Trans people are pretty obnoxious.
Imagine your bedroom. You use it everyday, its where you live its where you sleep you've decorated it how you want it, you pay the rent and have worked hard to make it your own. Then one day people show up and say "you aren't allowed to go in this room ever again, were going to give it to this other person because they made bad decisions and didn't get a nice room like this. You still have to pay for it but because you've enjoyed this room and this other person didn't get one because they chose crime and niggerdry instead of making something of themselves we're going to take it from you and give it to them."
Thats what the issue is. Minorities have had 200 years to find a place of their own and make a living for themselves but instead of doing that they burdened white society with their bad choices and militantly demanded that they be propped up by white society. Now white people can't even legally disassociate from minorities they don't want to be around. White people have to donate their tax dollars so minorities can get housing and education and free food.
Lincoln had the right idea. Free the slaves and deport them back to Africa. But instead the government burdened white society with taking care of the iligitimate nigger child who now is an adult who continues to insist that their white gaurdians continue to support them despite being fully capable to taking care of themselves
Just say you're afraid of brown people man
I'm not afraid of any people. Just disgusted by them.
Dude just admit you're scared its ok
Nah just disgusted. Niggers are like intestinal parasites you don't have to be afraid of them to want them out of your body.
What makes them so scary to you?
Nothing. I'm just disgusted by their parasitic nature. They lack the self awareness to qualify them as people. Just dumb animals the government forces white people to take care of
So what does your fear stem from you think? A childhood bully? Current bully?
the human species is a bunch dumbass nigger apes, who apparently when tested can't even agree on how to solve a global pandemic despite all the resources and technologies available to them...we were tested, we failed and everyone is okay with that.
Imagine being pro intestinal parasite.
Nah I've never been bullied. I just find parasites distasteful and rightfully believe they should be purged
So innate fear of an unknown culture?
nope no fear and I know all I need to about niggerdry. I live in Atlanta so its all put in the open here.
shitskins are violent savages and have no place in society
constant violence from blacks.
Have you thought about getting help for your fear of colored people?
Stop dodging the questions>.
Answer now
Idk did you listen to them? They can probably tell you better directly.
Everyone assuming my life is easy because I'm white when in reality I get nothing for free, just like everybody else.
That there's no White History Month.